A message from friends in America for 2023. Let us make this our year to stand together and bring peace and harmony back to our world!
A heartfelt message from my Soul Sister, Aniiyah
The thinking that we are islands no longer works. The idea that we can go it alone, or stuff our feelings so we don’t disturb the water around the island no longer works. The new paradigm must be setup around community. Around helping each other.
Around each person in the community doing their part, doing their internal work, and wanting the greatest good for themselves AND the community.
It can be a slippery slope living and belonging to community, if we feel unsafe or ashamed to share our feelings, or to say no, or to ask for help (not victim/rescuer energy but I need help to take responsibility and grow from my place of needing help). That energy sets us and our community up for suffering.
The other slippery slope is needing to be 'strong', or feeding ourselves the line that we can handle things (things being … fill in the blank) all by ourselves. We can’t. We are not biologically created to 'go it alone' or be strong alone. We must want to work together for wellness, for goodness, for healthy habits, for safety, for authentic being-ness.
And we must be able to walk away when the community we belong to does not support our highest good, without blaming each other, or shaming each other, or judging each other. Just to allow the flow of joy truth and trust to be our way of navigating in and out of community.
Peeling the onion, metaphorically, can bring tears … can feel uncomfortable. But keeping the skin on the onion just leads it to rot.
May we all feel safe in our bodies, in our relationships, and in our choices, while trusting our joy and gratitude to guide us through the coming year to find and create our Soul Tribe circles.
Gayla Olson
Founding Emissary, Community Assembly of America
Further Reading
A Message from the Hopi Nation by John Gilbert
Wisdom from my Soul Sister - Gayla Olson
Women Who Run With The Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Winning Ways of Togetherness - John Gilbert
The Healing Power of Listening - Warren Cavanagh
Lights, Camera, Action - Gayla Olson
Group Activation for High Activation - Jacky Blakeway
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We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.