Who's Jurisdiction - An Interview with Wiremu Williamson

Sue Cartwright • 29 March 2024

An interview explaining the true nature of jurisdiction and what it means for us

In an important interview hosted by Ana Isabel, Wiremu Williamson known as Bill Williamson, shares his wisdom and experience on the meaning of jurisdiction, how different types of jurisdiction are created and how we can reclaim our sovereignty and property rights on our own jurisdictions on planet Earth as the intended rulers of the Law of the Land.

Background and knowledge

It started in 2005 when Bill wrote his first Affidavit and Bill of Rights pertaining to his Māori ancestory as the original inhabitants of New Zealand. The Māori are indigenous Polynesian people who settled on the land around 500 years ago.

Bill's Affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation which can be used as evidence in a court. It states that Bill stands on the land of New Zealand where he can travel freely being indigenous.

It was the lockdown that moved Bill to take action to bring together a Common Law Court. This is compiled of groups (or assemblies) of New Zealanders consisting of 25 to 200 people.

When concerned members demonstrated in Canberra. Bill saw them being directly attacked by the police as he was watching the event at home. It was at this point it was decided that demonstrations were not the way to go. Instead, the New Zealand assemblies have come together as the People's Assemblies of New Zealand with Bill acting as Emissary.

The New Zealand assemblies continue to grow, bringing groups together and teaching Natural Law to help people understand their rights and the fundamental principles.

As Bill says: 'We have to get jurisdiction out there, get people to realise they don't need to pay bills, they are only 'notices' which are not bills of any kind. They will keep coming at you until you put them straight. It's a process, and we have to inform people how to refuse to consent and step away in the right way.'

The meaning of jurisdiction

Bill became Sui Juris when he declared his Affidavit to live as an indigenous being on his own land where no unlawful (US) company can trespass. Not for any reason. Even if the government installed a meter on Bill's property, at that point it would become his property which means they have no right to demand to come onto his property to remove it, change it or do anything else with it without his express permission.

What this means is that a Sui Juris sovereign individual has the right to stand on his own land. His land is his jurisdiction as is the space around his body (see the law of trespass below).

Jurisdictions are formed by groups of people who agree on a code of conduct. Anyone can form their own jurisdiction. Your local tennis club, for example, has its own jurisdiction as a Private Trust or Private Members' Association. It has its own rules which can be applied to anyone stepping onto the designated property and who can be told to leave according to Laws of Trespass (see below).

This is good news for us as it means we can set up our own jurisdictions in the same way.

As Bill says: 'This has implications for everyone down the line because right now you can stand in God's jurisdiction automatically. Genesis 1:28 gives you the authority to rule (Geneva Bible) or gives you dominion (King James Bible) which is nearly as good.

What we have to remember is that as sovereign beings we rule the Law of the Land as commanded by God in the Bible which is a legal document (see below).

Who's Juresdiction - An interview with Wiremu William by Ana Isabel for Community Assembly of the British Isles

The law of trespass

Trespassing is taken very seriously on Bill's land. He has a statue of a Māori protector by his gate to look over his property which is rightful for him to own. This states that everything within the boundaries are under Bill's ownership and that you are trespassing if you enter without permission. The minute anyone puts anything on Bill's property, it becomes his own. As in the meter example mentioned above.

It is important to know that you also continually stand in your own jurisdiction which is situated around your body. This is the space that travels with you wherever you go, it is where you speak your voice.

A space of 3 foot around you is your jurisdiction. When two people come together the total jurisdiction goes up to 6 foot each. When it's four people it goes up to 20 feet each, and for 20 people it's 100 feet each. It is the people's jurisdiction and it is always there. It is where the people speak as the people's voice.

Imagine the implications for our community assemblies and Community Assembly Hubs? It means we can create our own jurisdictions and by connecting with each other, we can share our knowledge and wisdom to protect, provide for and support each other. It means we become stronger together, standing on our own land, creating our own living environments and doing things together in our own way.

This is why it is so important to keep setting up Community Assemblies through the Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI). As all our members have agreed to abide by Natural Law it enables our local and regional assemblies to become jurisdictions in their own right.

It means that when smaller Community Assemblies are formed in the same region, their jurisdiction in that region exponentially increases as they grow.

Setting up a regional assembly is the first priority. This is followed by setting up an increasing number of smaller Community Assemblies across the region. While the large group has less of a footprint, as the smaller assemblies connect with each other, they exponentiallly increase their area of jurisdiction within their region.

This means that the regional assembly can organise new jurisdictional contracts that will establish the provision of regionally required ultilities such as energy, internet and water for its members.

The law of of the land

As we the people stand under God as rulers of the land given to us under the Law of the Land, we own the land. It would therefore be considered treasonous for it to be signed away by anyone or any 'body'. As sovereigns, we have the right to live on our land without intrusion or threat of having it taken away.

However much we lack the education in this regard, and no matter what the so-called authorities say to us, the power is with the people. What many do not realise is that they are unintentionally standing under Admiralty Law (Law of the Sea) which has been constructed to appear to rule the land when it doesn't.

The Bible is a legal document

For Bill, the question as to whether the Bible is a legal document is amusing. Do we not know that every court house in the land and across the world has a Bible in situ? No one can do anything without first swearing-in with a hand on the Bible.

It means we all stand under God's Law but of course, the legal profession does not admit this to us as it would take away their pretend authority status.

Bill confirms to us that ALL law is stated clearly in the Bible or is customary with traditional laws. As such, the foundation of the entire legal system in the West is rooted in the Bible. Its precepts, insights and parables provide the foundation of shared values upon which we created the Laws of the Land. It is therefore true that the King James Bible is a legal document.

The cons-piracy theorists (that's us)

The truth is we have been tricked into becoming debt-slaves on commercial Admiralty ships which are actually docked on our dry land under Maritime Law. We are under the illusion that all our freedoms have been taken away from us when they have not.

Bill points out that in the eyes of the Maritime Law system, those who do not give away their consent and find their way back to the 'private' (as in swimming back to the safety of the land) are called 'cons-piracy theorists.'


We are therefore 'pirots' at sea exposing the tyranny and freeing ouselves and our fellows at the same time.

The law of trusts

The law of trusts is written in Genosis 1:28 where God says we can rule the land. A 'trust' is a command that you have a right. This has never changed, it is the law of the land.

It means that land has an original ownership, that of the Indigenous Peoples of that land. It means that a fence or wall cannot allow anyone to take over land or claim it as their own without permission from the owners or their decendents.

Bill tells us that even though people come and comandere the land, building on it, killing animals on it, making it seem like they own it and deeming dominance over it, they have no right to rule on the land and by hook or by crook they must be stopped.

A King's treason

On the question of national sovereignty being threatened by the UN/WHO. Our soveregnty cannot be taken away from us because in order for a King to become King, he must swear an oath to become King of the

People. His oath to the people is made in a cathedral and is sworn-in on the Bible.

This means the King only has the right to rule on behalf of the people and must stick to his oath. If he does not stick to his oath and signs away the people's land and sovereignty - this is treason.

The Straw Man's return

I think many of us are by now are familiar with the story of the 'Straw Man'. It is how the government tricks mothers into signing their children away as 'persons' who are given a nonsensical name in capital letters that can't be read only traded. Completely unawares, we have become unlawfully 'owned' by the state.

Our birth certificates are turned into bonds worth millions for our entire life's work. These bonds are traded on the stock market ad infinitum. We are thus turned into 'debtors' from birth and exist as debt-slaves all our lives. We are robbed of our land, property and hard earned money in so many different ways and it only gets worse.

This is why it's time for us to call out the tyranny and bring the Straw Man back to the land where he belongs.

The people rule the land

When Admiralty Law was recognised as being part of Common Law (based on cases that had already been concluded), a ruling was made on a particular case to determine what was 'common'. This was how they brought Common Law into their law to provide a basis of truth rooted in the Law of the Land, Air and Water.

At this point law was split into a) the Law of the Land, owned and ruled by the people, b) the Law of the Sea or Admiralty Law, owned and ruled by commerce under Maritime Law, and c) the Law of the Air or Canon Law, owned and ruled by the Vatacan.

It is clear to see that the latter two parties have created unlawful jurisdictions to impose their unlawful man-made laws, dictates, acts, statutes and mandates on us while trespassing on OUR land.

All land can be traced back to the people who originally found it, nurtured it and claimed it as their own. Bill has exceptional knowledge in this regard which is why we do well to listen to his words.

God does not like 'persons'

Being turned into a Straw Man at birth turns us unknowingly into 'persons' residing in the 'public' realm when we are, in fact, human beings living in the 'private' realm. It is a means to an end for others to put themselves into unlawful positions of 'authority' where they do all they can to control our lives and steal our creative inputs in the form of our land, property, savings, possessions, efforts, wealth and prosperity.

This is why the term 'person' is despised by God, as stated in Romans 2:11. God does not like persons created by authorities as no one has the right to control, govern or rule over anyone else. This is God's law.

Finding out about these things and how best we can move back into the 'private' realm without causing any harm is imperative for our freedom and wellbeing into the future.

It is why CABI and Assemblies of the World were formed and why Bill is clear to introduce John Gilbert and acknowledge his experience and understanding of Natural Law as a Community Peace Constable, his indepth knowledge of the ley of the land in Kernow (particularly) and every city, town, village and hamlet across the British Isles, and, indeed, why the 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' is a man-made, made-up construct.

Everything begins and ends with land and property rights as it stands under Natural Law and the Law of the Land. Both Bill and John have a very clear understanding about these things.

They know the difference between Common Law and Natural Law, why we choose to stand under the latter, how these fundamental truths link together, and why understanding these things is so important for everyone.

A sense of place

Bill recalls how the firest Anglo Saxon and Viking decendents walked on the land of the British Isles and staked their claim to their piece of land in the first instance.

Every hamlet, village, town and city has its own standing stones or stakes that are still here today, staking out the original Clan's land. It means that the land you are living on now belongs to you and your ancestors. It is why we are forming Community Assemblies here and overseas as a lawful mechanism to claim back ownership of our land and our local jurisdictions.

Every place on this Earth has its own jurisduction. This is recorded in history together with how land and different jurisdictions are connected. It means that 13 people (the number needed for a jury) can claim their right to a jurisdiction and set up a court to rule the land they have claimed.

The reason our recognition of rights under Common Law is being corroded is because of 'commerce'. Another man-made construct that has stepped in under Admiralty Law to claim jurisdictions widely applied by parliament to implement their man-made acts, statutes and mandates. These mean nothing under Natural Law and the Law of the Land, and we are not obliged to consent to them.

It is important to know that commercial Maritime Law links directly with Canon Law whereby the Vatican buys all the Straw Man bonds that monetise our value as 'persons' in the 'public' realm. This is how the Vatican deems to own us - lock, stock and barrel.

It is why we must 'wake up' so that we can 'rise up from being assumed dead or lost-at-sea' and 'return to the land' where we can rule over the Law of the Land and reinstate our inalienable right to live freely on it.

A call to sovereigns

Bill's final words are profound and quite beautiful. A fitting conclusion to this remarkable interview and all it contains. We hope you will enjoy watching and listening with Ana Isabel's exceptional questions and summaries throughout. It will touch your heart, make you laugh and bring you further clarity.

As Bill says: 'You are men of the land. You were born and bred from Mother Earth which is in your genes genetically. As people, you stand on this land. It is from other lands they try to bring their ways with them and they must be stopped.


You know the way the ley lines work. You know how to turn them, stop them or reverse them. It's all there and there are a few of us the old people will talk to and that's golden. As for John Gilbert, he is golden and people should listen to him.'

Sign your declaration

If you are a member of Community Assembly of British Isles, you will have agreed to abide by the four tenets of Natural Law.  This provides a mechanism by which we the people swear an oath to live harmoniously together in harmony with Nature on this beautiful planet Earth.

It is why all our members are invited to sign their own 'Declaration of Assembly Folk of the World' which was compiled over many years by Bill Williamson, Emissary, People's Assemblies of New Zealand and Warren Cavanagh, Emissary, Community Assembly of Australia.

We invite existing members to contact us if they haven't done so already to receive their own Declaration and for new members to join CABI in order to take this important first step on our journey towards reclaiming our sovereignty as rulers of the Law of the Land.

Our sincere thanks to Bill and Ana for such an informative and enlightening interview and to you for helping us to share this cruicial message far and wide.

If you have any questions, please get in touch, we always love to hear from you.

Sue Cartwright, Editor

Community Assembly of the British Isles

Join us today!

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