How to get help

The natural health service we propose to provide for community members now and into the future

Community Health Initiative

What we do

The Community Health Initiative (CHI) was founded to create a network of accredited and recommended healing services for members of

communities across the British Isles.

This exciting, leading-edge and cooperative project will bring together and showcase the knowledge, expertise and remedies needed for us to protect our repair mechanisms and maintain a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. 

Our 'How to get help' information provides guidance on who can get help and how best to find the support and/or treatments you are looking for. We are also  setting up a donations page to fund our forthcoming 'Emergency Fund.'

Our Health Directory lists CHI accredited practitioners and healers together with recommended natural health suppliers.

For health seekers wishing to get it touch, contact us using the form below.

How we can help

Fully accredited natural health practitioners and practices

High quality and recommended remedies and supplies

Support for those with special needs/limited funding

Friendly support and guidance, confidentiality guaranteed

What help is available

  1. Health seekers who pay for treatments

2.  Health seekers who pay only for expenses and remedies

3.  Health seekers in need (via emergency funding)

How to get help



We already have a point of contact for any health seekers looking for initial support and guidance on next steps.

If you are looking for help of any kind, please fill out the contact form below, providing your CABI membership details and a brief message so that we can get back to you as quickly as we can.

The Community Assembly of the British Isles is organising and carrying out City & Guild level assessments for Community Health Initiative (CHI) practitioners and practices with recommendations for suppliers, and we will provide increasing support as the CHI Health Directory grows.

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your interest.



As soon as practitioners and practices have been approved by the CHI assessment and verification process, they will become members (MCHI) or licenciates (LCHI) included in the CHI Health Directory with their details so that you can get in touch.

We are also working on a process for raising enquiries and following up with actions including recommending protocols, ordering supplements, addressing emergencies and showcasing supported healing and health services.

This involves evaluating recommended natural health suppliers, organising discounts. Our new donations page will provide options to contribute to special health needs, funding support and emergencies in the community.

Contact us



We are in the process of setting up the Community Assembly of the British Isles as a private members club with rotating roles and responsibilities for CABI facilitators. This will include a trust statement from our appointed Treasurer together with how our donation and funding service will operate. With this in place, we will focus on designing and delivering an Emergency Service.

Going forward our intention is for this to include things like Food Banks which would mean taking into account logistics such as collection, storage, warehousing and distribution.

A key aim is for CABI to create and deliver services relevant to the needs of the community which are adapted over time through shared practice.

Contact us any time

If you have any questions or would like further information,

please send a brief message using the form below.

Please double-check for errors or we may not be able to contact you.

Contact Us

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