Lighting up an Earth grid of energy as we form Community Assemblies and connect people across the globe
Aurōra is a celestial word, meaning the rising of the Dawn,
It's the name for our Aurora Network, as a new era for humanity is born,
Aurora symbolises rebirth, hope, renewal, the start of a brand new day,
For Indigenous Tribes, it's the spirit of our Ancestors dancing in the sky.
Aurora Borealis and Australis, phenomenons of energy and light,
Eponym for Goddess of Dawn, Aurora, and Boreas, God of the North Winds,
As electrons of cosmic frequency merge with gases way up high,
Tiny flashes of light change shape and glow in the darkness of night.
The Aurora is a natural wonder of the world, treasured by us all,
As Indigenous Peoples who walk this Earth with humility, respect and gentle pride,
For the Anishinaabe, Cree, Māori, Eskimos and Aborigines of old,
It's our Ancestors watching over us, uniting us with the greater whole.
These same high frequencies resonate from our inner being,
When we lift our spirits in happiness and feel at peace within,
When we walk this path in trust together, feeling we belong,
To something practical and magical, spiritual and strong.
Our Aurora Network is a circuit board of energetically charged nodes,
An Earth Grid of Community Assemblies connected across the globe,
As our intentions, thoughts and actions charge the Universe with love,
We shine like beacons as we join together, bringing others into the fold.
By Sue Cartwright
With thanks to Gayla Olson & John Gilbert
For the Community Assembly of the British Isles
[Edited on 23 July 2024]
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We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.