True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Addendum

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 22 December 2022

Addendum - Good words to live by

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Addendum


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

Native American Traditional Code of Ethics

Originally published the ‘Inter-Tribal Times’ October of 1994

Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefi t others (everyone).



Respect means ‘To feel or show honour or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy’. Showing respect is a basic law of life.

Treat every person, the tiniest child to the oldest elder, with respect at all times. Special respect should be given to Elders, Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders.

No person should be made to feel ‘put down’ by you; avoid hurting other hearts, as you would avoid a deadly poison.

Touch nothing that belongs to someone else (especially Sacred Objects) without permission, or an understanding between you.

Respect the privacy of every person; never intrude on a person’s quiet moment or personal space.

Never walk between people that are conversing.

Never interrupt people who are conversing.

Speak in a soft voice, especially when you are in the presence of Elders, strangers or others to whom special respect is due.

Do not speak unless invited to do so at gatherings where Elders are present (except to ask what is expected of you, should you be in doubt).

Never speak about others in a negative way, whether they are present or not.

Treat the Earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.

Show deep respect for the beliefs and religion of others.

Listen with courtesy to what others say, even if you feel that what they are saying is worthless. Listen with your heart.

Respect the wisdom of the people in council. Once you give an idea to a council meeting it no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the people. Respect demands that you listen intently to the ideas of others in council and that you do not insist that your idea prevail. Indeed you should freely support the ideas of others if they are true and good, even if those ideas are quite different from the ones you have contributed. The clash of ideas brings forth the Spark of Truth.

Once a council has decided something in unity, respect demands that no one speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time.

Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions.

Always treat your guests with honour and consideration. Give of your best food, your best blankets, the best part of your house, and your best service to your guests.

The hurt of one is the hurt of all; the honour of one is the honour of all.

Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family.

All the races and tribes in the world are like the different coloured flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the

Creator they must all be respected.

To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world are one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget your most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

Observe moderation and balance in all things.

Know those things that lead to your well being, and those things that lead to your destruction.

Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.

Lakota Sioux Prayer Song

If you say or sing this out loud, you will be blessed by Wankan-Tanka, a Native American name for Planet Earth. Sing it to all your Power Animals, it is the start of your Great Adventure. Be silly and have fun. That’s the biggest secret in the world, WE ARE LOVE. You can remember, if you want to. Do you want to remember? It’s fun. Go on!

Friend do this! Friend do this! Friend do this!

If you do this your Grandfather will see you

When you stand within the holy circle

Think of me when you place the sacred tobacco in the pipe

If you do this He will give you all that you ask for

Friend do this! Friend do this! Friend do this!

If you do this your Grandfather will see you

When you stand within the holy circle

Send your voice to Wankan-Tanka

If you do this He will give you all that you desire

Friend do this! Friend do this! Friend do this!

If you do this your Grandfather will see you

When you stand within the holy circle

Crying and with tears send your voice to Wankan-Tanka

If you do this you will have all that you desire

Friend do this! Friend do this! Friend do this!

If you do this your Grandfather will see you

When you stand within the sacred hoop

Raise your hand to Wankan-Tanka

Do this and He will bestow upon you all that you desire.

Given to the Sioux, by White Calf Buffalo Woman, a

Spiritual deity, to help join all nations of this world in peace.

“Ho! And so it is.”

Tribal Love, How to Love Everyone

This is how you do it. How to create Peaceful Tribes on Earth. Planet Earth and I talk a lot. This is what she tells me:

“There are, pretty much, two groups in this world. The first is the unawakened, the iPod loony, who dont care that the forests, our future breath, is being destroyed. They just want the latest gadget. The other group is the awakened. However, they seem to be angry at each other, or the governments, the multinational companies, the world banks, the ‘New World Order’ as well as the unawakened. Neither group serves me. I want you to realise that every thought, feeling and action creates your tomorrows. Start with love and end with love. Follow ‘Good words to live by’ and have some respect for all that graces this world. Are you perfect? Love all of yourself, which means everybody who is here, as anything you see in this world that you don’t like is a reflection of you, or you would not attract it into your life. We all make mistakes and all mistakes can be forgiven. Be a loving Powerful Creator at this very special and magical time. That will give me the creative energy and love I seek.”

So this is Planet Earth’s humble opinion for us humans to ponder over! Love everyone, even your worst enemy! Our planet is a place for people to share, to find and explore a peaceful way to love everyone. Anger serves no man, woman, child, planet, or blade of grass. Even, righteous anger. Anger is anger. Don’t you agree, Yes! Learn how to use the Native American Medicine Wheel to create a peaceful life for yourself and others, and many more peaceful solutions. I hope everyone will help beautiful Planet Earth. Let us see if we can have some fun, too!

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles


We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We have publishing a chapter every week for you to read on our blog or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format. Thank you for reading!

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