The Community Health Initiative (CHI) was founded to create a network of accredited and recommended healing services for members communities across the British Isles. This exciting, leading-edge and co-operative project will bring together and showcase the knowledge, expertise and remedies needed for us to protect our repair mechanisms and maintain a healthy lifestyle in harmony with Nature.
The CHI provides a new opportunity to assess and verify the quality of natural health provision as an independent service using an assessment and monitoring system recognised by City and Guilds, London Institute. This is being led by John Gilbert, a founding member of the Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI) who is a fully qualified City and Guilds Assessor and Verifier.
Initially, John will take on the role of 'Assessor' until we have allocated other qualified assessors to fill this role. John will then become our lead 'Verifier' for new applications approved by the assessors. This recognised assessment process will ensure everyone on our new CHI Register is fully supported to deliver the best service to their clients and the wider community. In terms of service delivery, concessions will be made for anyone with special needs or limited access to funding through our donations service.
The important thing to note is that the CHI assessment process does not involve 'failing' anyone. Rather, it helps natural health practitioners, healers and suppliers identify where improvements can be made and provides them with opportunity to become fully accredited or recognised as a recommended supplier.
Having achieved the required standards, CHI practitioners and practices can showcase their expertise, services, protocols and remedies on the CABI website through our CHI Health Directory for accredited practitioners, practices and recommended suppliers. We are also keen to source and publish natural health information and articles on our blog with free downloads available in our forthcoming resources section for the benefit of local residents and the wider community.
Our Emergency Fund is supported through our member's kind donations. This provides the opportunity for contributors to submit one-off donations or a set amount every month in support of those with limited means so that they can receive essential treatments and remedies.
As part of CABI, CHI will benefit from being fully supported with administration, assessment and monitoring processes, data collection and protection, concessions and donations, associated services, dedicated website pages, the CHI Health Directory, blog articles and mentions in our newsletters and updates which are sent out to CABI members on a regular basis.
Over the long term, CHI will provide member practitioners and practices with recognised status for their qualifications and experience together with ongoing support. This will provide CABI members and website visitors with an ongoing supply of leading-edge knowledge in natural health, healing, protocols and remedies together with access to the help they need.
Our 'how to get help' page will provide further information for those in need of help with health issues.
Why we are here
Directory structure
The framework of the registry will provide the structure for the CHI Health Directory which will be set out in categories such as the type of treatment or type of practitioner and the area from which the service is provided.
A main directory page will list accredited practitioners and practices by area with their category of treatment (as per our Group Directory main page). Individual practitioners and practices can then showcase their services and remedies in the CHI Practitioner and Practice Directories where they will have their own page which can be searched by area and by type of treatment or type of practitioner.
There will be a dedicated section on each of the directory pages for those who are able to deliver therapy sessions remotely. A separate main page will be created for recommended suppliers of natural treatments, equipment and remedies.
For patients who are vulnerable or distressed can go directly to our
'how to get help' page for contact details and other essential information.
Types of membership
Associates, Members and Licentiates
FREE for life membership & application process
Enlistment on CHI Main Directory
Practitioner Promotion & Contact Page on Health Directory
Access to CHI Emergency Funding for Patient Costs & Treatments
Submission of articles, Book Reviews & Papers (Blog & Resources)
Fully qualified practitioner from Level 5 (Degree) to
Level 6 (Masters Degree) standard
FREE for life membership & application process
Enlistment on CHI Main Directory
Practitioner Promotion & Contact Page on Health Directory
Access to CHI Emergency Funding for Patient Costs & Treatments
Submission of articles, Book Reviews & Papers (Blog & Resources)
FREE for life membership & application process
Enlistment on CHI Main Directory
Practitioner Promotion & Contact Page on Health Directory
Access to CHI Emergency Funding for Patient Costs & Treatments
Submission of articles, Book Reviews & Papers (Blog & Resources)
Criteria for joining
Members (MCHI) and Licentiates (LCHI)
There are various ways for a natural health professional or practice to prove their competence to the administrators of the Community Health Initiative.
Levels of assessment are defined by the recognised amount of learning, practice and delivery required to achieve recognition in a certain specialisation or field of practice. The following qualifications can be taken into consideration:
Level 1 - Foundation
Level 2 - Equivalent of 'O' level
Level 3 - Equivalent to 'A' level
Level 4 - HND or HNC National Diploma
Licentiate - Level 4 plus practical knowledge
Level 5 - Degree
Level 6 - Masters Degree
For the purposes of joining CHI, we also take into consideration other criteria including terms of service, experience and testimonials which, together with the above, are assessed using a standard points system used by CHI Assessors and Verifiers.
Member - 15 points
Licentiate - 10 points
Anyone with less points who would like to join CHI is invited to submit an application (below) with a request in the message for guidance on how to achieve the required level and points.
There are no costs to join CHI and practitioners and practices will be encouraged to showcase their services and treatments with their normal costs, associated expenses (if not included in costs) and agreed concessions made for those requiring support for special needs or limited access to funding. Our intention is that any agreed concessions will be supported as far as possible and ultimately completely through our forthcoming donations and/or regular contribution service.
The first stage is to register as a member of CABI so that you can become part of our network and receive our regular updates and newsletter. This requires reading and agreeing to abide by our collective declaration to serve humanity for the highest good of all.
To request your application, please complete and submit the dedicated form below. Note that the round boxes are required and the square boxes relating to 'Interest' can both be selected if appropriate or if not, please select one. The completed forms are sent securely and directly to us, at which point John will contact you directly by phone or email (please state your preference and/or availability in your message).
Following your conversation with John, arrangements will be made to complete your application and, if required, any guidance given to assist you in understanding how to achieve the required level or points.
This will be arranged as a Zoom meeting with John to go through your application and answer any questions you may have about the Community Assembly of the British Isles, the Community Health Initiative and becoming a member of our growing network.
Having agreed on required criteria and next steps, arrangements will be made for you to make a submission for the next phase of your assessment process.
Registering as a CHI Member or Licentiate requires two references as follows:
Subject to your successful application, John will arrange an interview with himself and, if required, an independent health professional who has experience in the relevant field/s. This part of the assessment is relaxed and friendly, never confrontational and designed to assist you in understanding how best to meet the required criteria.
On becoming a successful Member or Licentiate of the Community Health Initiative, we will send you a welcome email together with your CHI Certificate. This communication will include details required to add your practice and treatments to the main CHI Directory and your dedicated member page. We will also welcome any information or knowledge you would like to share relating to natural health, healing or spiritual knowledge as either a blog article or content for our forthcoming resources section on the website.
We are delighted to launch this new service for your benefit and that of the local community. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
Application form
Please complete the form below to
let us know your interest and start your application.
Please double-check for errors or we may not be able to contact you.
Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Thank you for your interest,
we look forward to hearing from you.
Wherever the art of medicine is loved,
there is also a love of humanity.
We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.