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An office address for ca-britishisles will be allocated in due course.
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Access to the site is on a temporary basis and ca-britishisles reserves the right to withdraw or amend the information it provides on the website without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason the website is unavailable.
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Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights of any nature (including copyright) created or provided by ca-britishisles or its Partners or Associates shall be and shall remain the property of ca-britishisles and any such materials shall be licensed to you for your internal use only. The status of ca-britishisles (and any identified contributors) as authors of material on the site must always be acknowledged.
You undertake to keep all materials created by ca-britishisles confidential and not to copy, publish or distribute any such information, materials or documents to any third party without involve‘s prior written consent (save where such information is in the public domain or you are required to disclose such information by law).
Ca-britishisles displayed on this website are either owned by involve, are owned by individuals we have sought permission from to use or are within the public domain and were free to use without attribution on the date they were initially published. Users of the ca-britishisles website do not have permission to capture and reproduce these images without first seeking prior consent from ca-britishisles.
Ca-britishisles owns the copyright for its own images and those provided by the website platform. They are part of the ca-britishisles brand. Ca-britishisles will retain sole use of these images in the public and private domain until further notice.
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From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that ca-britishisles endorse the websites. We have no responsibility for the content of the linked websites.
To make users aware that they are leaving our site, all external links should open in a new window (tab).
Linking to the Assemblies of the World Site
You may link to the ca-britishisles site as long as this is done is a way that is fair and legal and does not damage ca-britishisles reputation. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest that there is any approval or endorsement where none exists.
If you wish to make sure of any material on the website other than what is listed above then please contact us at If you have any concerns or queries regarding the website please contact us at
Last updated on 24 June 2023.
If any of our members have questions, feedback, comments or requests for resources, please get in touch. We welcome your insights to ensure we remain relevant, objective and true to our shared vision, mission and values.
We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.