True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 10

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 2 December 2022

Chapter 10 - Medicine Wheel Readings

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 10


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

Are you ready to travel with the Medicine Wheel? Remember, we are going to access different parts of your soul. We do this by visiting each Power Animal that represents each part of your soul. There are five aspects to your soul, or five Power Animals to visit, to complete the basic Medicine Wheel Soul Reading.

The first thing you should do is to find out how you are really feeling now. Practice, in your imagination, connecting to the five Power Animals: Golden Eagle (mental); Coyote (emotional); Grizzly Bear (spiritual); White Buffalo (physical); and Creator (Great Spirit). Just wait and see what animal turns up for Creator, or invite a Lion or Lioness.

Watch how your Power Animals are presenting themselves to you. Did they come immediately? How big are they? Do they like you? Try walking around them. Notice them from all angles. They may look fine from the front, but sometimes their back legs are injured. If you are completely unsure, just imagine touching the animal’s head and filling them up with violet healing energy. You are giving healing to your present self.

If you are good at visualizing, it may take you a couple of hours. This is how long it takes me, to do a reading for the soul. I know that if you want self-healing enough, you do not have to actually see the Power Animals, just decide they are in front of you and speak to them in your imagination. Or paint them, or sing to them. The Power Animals also communicate on behalf of the all the animals. The animals want the humans to cheer up, they still love us. They are eager to help us, we should be grateful. They have not lost faith in us, this is a good sign.

Heal Your Present Pain

I once impressed a top psychiatrist who wanted to know what I had said to Howard (not his real name). The psychiatrist had been counselling him three times a week for many years. However, two hours in a Medicine Wheel and he was a changed man. This man was very upset about a former girlfriend who had died. I invited her to his Medicine Wheel. He got a chance to speak with her, it was a deeply moving experience for him. After that, I explained that he needed to let go of his emotional upset with regard to this girlfriend. If she is in spirit, she was not meant to be with him in this life. He finally found peace, he was able to live in the present. He started dating again.

You don’t need anyone to do this for you, you can do this in your Medicine Wheel. Take the chance to say what you have not been able to say. Listen to what they have to say too. However, do this only once, if they are in spirit. When you are finished, always thank them for coming. Then see them walk into violet healing mist and vanish. Next, imagine Great Spirit as a very bright shining star above your head, way up high in the night sky. Imagine releasing all your thoughts and feelings, by sending them up to Great Spirit. This helps by clearing your old emotions and keeps your energy field clear. Your energy field is your mind, body and aura. Live in the present moment. This is where your true power is. Be present. Be here now.

If you have unresolved hurt and upset about a living person, then in your imagination invite them into your Medicine Wheel and speak honestly to them about how you are feeling. Then send all your feelings to Great Spirit (the star above) and see them walk into violet healing mist and vanish. Let it go, and move on. Be present. This is very important.

Some people are very angry and bitter, and are always talking in a bad way about others. I inform them that they are really talking about themselves. Because that mind of theirs is listening and creating all that bitterness, again and again. Stop this immediately. Your external world is made by you, if you don’t like what is happening in your world, correct your own behaviour, from within. Be kind to everyone, but overall, be kind to yourself. You only see yourself in this life through others. Do not add aggression and bitterness to this world, there is plenty here already! It takes at least two people to have an argument. Stay silent and be peaceful. Send your own stress up to Great Spirit and ask for wisdom to be returned to you, so that you can understand and stop creating these stressful situations in the first place.

Accessing Past Life

A Medicine Wheel is a simple Time Machine, a sacred place to travel backwards or forwards in time to communicate with your former selves (past lives) and future potential self, for this current life. It is also possible to access your next incarnation, it just depends how adventurous you are.

If you wish to access a past life, just create a beautiful Medicine Wheel in your imagination. First, call for your Creator Power Animal to arrive, and then call a former self who can give you the greatest healing at this time. If you wait, a former self will arrive. Treat all former selves with great respect and honour, regardless of how they look and act. Realise that this spirit has come to help you, and hopefully you can help this former self. Some former selves just want to sit and have a chat, so just listen and if necessary provide a hug. Some former past lives will ask you to travel back in time. Just imagine walking down a time line. Imagine a path stretching out before you. Sometimes if you are going a long way back in time, fly holding hands with your former self. Remember to have some fun! Just observe what you are shown, and know that you are conducting all of this healing in your imagination and have full protection at all times.

When they (former selves) first come to the Medicine Wheel, notice, what do they look like? Who are they Where do they live, and in what time period? How are they feeling? Are they distressed? Remember, in your imagination you have the power to set all things right. Ask them what is the matter? Why have you come to the Medicine Wheel? Do you need my help? How can I help you at this time?

Be aware that your former selves are probably going to do the ‘poor me brigade’. This is very common. Be nice. Just don’t give them any sympathy. If they are children, call in their mother and father. Use your common sense. Comfort and listen to them. I find former selves are non-aggressive in most cases. If you are confronted by a lot of aggression, snap your fingers in your imagination and turn them into a six year old. They will be much easier to deal with. You’re the boss. Pull rank!

Remember this is your universe, you are in charge at all times. You may need to be firm with your former selves at times. You may have been a General with an ego the size of the Empire State Building! Being firm means being in control of the healing. Many former selves are not aware that you are their future self, so tell them. Most only realise this when you explain that they are constantly being born again without gaining spiritual knowledge, forever stuck in the holding bay of Fake Reincarnation. Tell them you can free their soul in an instant. Each former self can be released, this is very powerful healing. Just send them home into the violet mist and see them vanish into the Divine.

As previously stated, the soul is best viewed as a personal library of all the past lives you have had. These past lives hold much of your power. Reviewing and healing events in past lives can empower and strengthen you in your present life. Just imagine being able to comfort a mother of a former self who lost her child at sea, and they still carry this pain, which is held in your soul. She can come forward for healing. And you, as the healer, have magical and unlimited powers in your imagination. Ask for the lost child’s spirit to appear and watch with great love the reunion your soul has been asking for, maybe for centuries. Create the happy endings. Imagine magically healing an eleven-year-old boy with an appalling disfigurement of the face, that happened in Delhi, India in 1882, when he fell into a pit. What was I thinking in that life? Imagine healing yourself when you fled Tibet with the current Dalai Lama, but got sick on the way to India and died, away from your spiritual homeland.

I was actually a steward for the current Dalai Lama, a few years ago at Alexandra Palace. I had to stand about 5 feet from him for many hours, and he kept staring at me. I knew we had been childhood friends. I think he knew it too! I also drew massive Tibetan healing symbols all over the hall in my imagination. He was looking at the ceiling, then at me, and then back at the ceiling. I thought, “Oops! He knows! I hope he doesn’t mind!”

Some past lives are a little sad, like when I was conscripted into World War I, having to kill many people, having that sorrow and despair in my soul. Similarly, you may not have been able to forgive yourself on some level deep inside. So, heal this sadness. These are some of my healed past lives.

I understand we all need to make a big leap in consciousness, so, maybe we can heal yesterday, which heals today and heals the future, which in turn will heal this world. I truly believe we have the potential to be our greatest self now. Go and love all of yourself, meaning love all parts of your soul. It is easy and you can make it a good experience. Be the TRUE ELITE. Claim and find your power within, True Love for your True Self.

Remember, you have the ability of an All Powerful Creator to heal and solve every problem, as you are not restricted by time and space or magical abilities. Plus, you have Power Animals and Love on your side. Be a God or Goddess of Love.

You may ask, “How will I know if these are really my past lives?” And I say, do this only once. You will feel it without a question, or doubt, as you feel the tears running down your face. It’s called the tear test. You will cry with happiness.

You create a space where the pain of your soul can get the exact healing it needs instantly. No, ‘poor me brigade’. It is past, heal it, sort it and then, very importantly, let it all go. Flood your Medicine Wheel, the Power Animals, former selves and your current self with violet and pale pink mist. Pale pink is the colour of unconditional love. Have unconditional love for yourself.

Past Life Healing

I had a school friend, a young man, who once had a very bad heart condition which was causing him to black out all the time. There was no hope of a cure. What had he been doing in a past life?

In my imagination, we travelled back in time and discovered he was once an arrogant Spanish bull fighter. He had spent many years cutting out the hearts of the Bulls, while they were still alive! Bulls represent White Buffalo (your physical self), which in turn means your physical body, your health, as well as your future.

We called, in his imagination, to the Medicine Wheel all the Bulls he had abused in spirit form, one by one. He apologised, and gave back all the physical hearts. He promised that he would never do it again. He asked for their forgiveness. It was granted, and the next thing we knew, a surgical doctor in the USA had invented a device to cure his heart condition. This man is now very healthy.

Understand, you can do wonders in your imagination. This man suffered for 37 years until he did this Medicine Wheel past life therapy healing session. He is very wealthy, so money was never the issue. He got the cure because he healed himself on a soul level and the world responded with a miracle to heal him. Life is truly wonderful.

You can correct all your crimes against others. You can give yourself another chance. Just take a look around you, most people are depressed and sad. Most people need to give themselves another chance to learn to love themselves again.

We can easily become stuck in a rut. Worrying and creating negative thoughts, which manifest into negative lives. However, once we learn to truley love ourselves again, we automatically create a life worth living. Learn to love again and using your imagination create a different, softer, energy to heal this world.

Mass Past Life Healing Meditation

You can create a sacred Medicine Wheel to do a Mass Past Life Healing. Please take the time to imagine standing in your Medicine Wheel, somewhere beautiful in nature. Visualise and call in your Creator Power Animal and your four main Spirit Keepers, Golden Eagle, Coyote, Grizzly Bear and White Buffalo. Next, in your imagination call to the Medicine Wheel every past life, all your former selves. You will start to see the many wonderful souls slowly walking towards the sacred Medicine Wheel.

You will have a large crowd of many men, women and children of different nationalities, in different clothing, representing different religious backgrounds from different times. This is also a quick way to let go of conditioned prejudices that separate us. Whether one is a Chinese Buddhist, Malay Muslim, French Roman Catholic or Australian Aboriginal, we are all the same, really. We are magical eternal souls that live for a short time in different bodies, in different places and at different times. These collective soul experiences make you a magical universal human being.

If you want, you can ask them to stand in groups of the similar types of vocation. Do you know how many times I have been a monk? Do you know how many times as a soldier, that my life ended prematurely on the battlefield in the name of the King, Chief or some other useless villain?

Do you know how many times I have been a shaman, farmer, midwife or cook? What has happened to you? Who have you been? You need to find out so you can acknowledge who you really are. You can also ask your past lives to show you what you have created with your time on Planet Earth.

Have you built houses, schools, cathedrals, pyramids or ancient temples? Have you ever invented something amazing and life transforming? Have you ever sailed across an ocean, or trekked across a mountain range? Have you ever lived in an ancient forest, cave or tribe? Have you ever been a teacher, leader or Chief? Did you perfect the art of drawing, painting, dancing or singing? Did you perfect the art of shamanism with Trees, Herbs, Plants, Crystals? Have you ever been Native American, or an African or Japanese? How many different languages have you spoken in your past lives? How many different continents have you lived on? Have you lived over 20,000 years ago or in the 1600’s or 1800’s.

You can ask for all your skills to be returned to you, immediately. This is your right. It has been included in your Golden Soul Contract, that I hope you signed! The questions are endless. Who are you? What have you accomplished, and what have you done in your past lives? Is it still affecting this life?

After I had trained in basic year one, Zen Shiatsu, I had the opportunity of treating many advanced Zen Shiatsu teachers that noticed I was applying advanced techniques, naturally, without having taken the advanced training. This is because, at the age of 25, I was able to gently go into a state of heightened awareness to access my skills and knowledge from my past life when I was an expert Zen Shiatsu Doctor hundreds of years ago. I just mentally stepped aside and let my hands work, how and where they wanted.

Your soul’s inner intelligence remembers all your life experiences and can help you access the knowledge and skills, automatically. We actually don’t need to train in anything, we have done all the training that we will ever need. It is about re-remembering who you really are, a magical universal human being.

The first time I rode a horse was in Africa. I was 10 years old. The riding instructor asked me how long I had been riding. I looked at my watch and replied, “11 minutes.” She looked totally amazed, as I naturally started to control and ride the large horse I was sitting on. I accessed this skill instantly. A great love from the many past lives I had as a horse rider. What are you naturally good at? I wonder why? Don’t you ever wonder why?

Release Limiting Vows and Soul Contracts

All medieval monks are required to take a vow of poverty. Imagine still being controlled by vows you spoke or signed, made under very stressful circumstances, due to food shortages 700 years ago. It meant you had to become a monk, or starve to death. So, just in case you spoke any vows, say this aloud, and mean it.

“I now cancel all Vows from any past life
that are still affecting this life.”

A soul contract is usually made between two or more souls that agree to often preposterous demands of one another. Imagine two teenagers in love, who are blocked from marriage by their respective families. They declare that they will never be in love again. For many future incarnations, until they learn to love themselves again, they have lives that are without love. It is common to go for monk/nun lives, as they have no interest in loving another human being. Eventually they may find each other, in the same life, at the same time, many lives later. They get married, and end up hating each other! Great! Can you see how lost your soul can become, because you made certain choices as a spoiled teenager a few hundred years ago? I did this! This choice resulted in my being a monk for many lives. So, just in case you made any silly soul contracts, just say this aloud, and mean it.

“I now cancel all Soul Contracts from any
past life that are still affecting this life.”

When people tell me that they believe they will never find love, I laugh and tell them, “You have known great love many hundreds of times.” Remember, every life brings love, friendships and big adventures. I have focused on the shadow side of our soul because this is what needs healing. It is important that you say this out loud, and mean it.

“I now ask that all my Past lives receive the
healing and love necessary to make a positive
powerful healing impact on this life.”

Merging All Your Past Lives Meditation

You can ask all your past lives to merge into one Human Being of Light inside your Medicine Wheel. Try this:

Imagine standing in your Medicine Wheel. Please take the time to visualise and call in your Creator Power Animal and your four main Spirit Keepers, Golden Eagle, Coyote, Grizzly Bear and White Buffalo.

Imagine all your past lives merged into one Human Being standing in front of you.

Create golden light coming out of your hands and see this healing energy fill up the Human Being of Light, from the feet to the heart area.

Next, see the golden light fill the area from the heart to the top of the head, creating an entire golden light being radiating pure golden light as bright as the sun.

Then walk into this Golden Being of Light. To become one with all your past lives, your former selves. In your imagination, call back the following soul qualities that you have scattered. Call back your magical healing abilities, all of your past spiritual wisdom, any shamanic skills, talents and abilities that could be of use in this lifetime, now. Stay holding this image for a minute and absorb the Golden Light.

Then step out of the Golden Being of Light and send the Golden Being of Light into the violet healing mist, back to the Divine. Finish the process by seeing yourself in your imagination, sitting on the ground in your Medicine Wheel. To bring you back to the present time use the following grounding ceremony.

Grounding Ceremony

Call the element of Fire to come as a Violet Flame to encircle the entire Medicine Wheel, inside as well. Be the Violet Flame. Ask Fire to always be a friend.

Call the element of Water to come as Rain. Hear and feel the raindrops falling heavily all around you. Feel the water cleansing your mind, body and soul. Ask Water to always be a friend.

Call the element of Air to come as the Great Winds and Dancing Storms, gently drying you. Feel the power of the Great wind and Dancing Storms as it encircles your mind, body and soul with love. Ask Air to always be a friend.

Call the element of Earth by placing your hands palms down onto the ground. Connect your soul with the souls of Planet Earth and All Her Relations. Be at one.

Call the element of Love to come as Great Spirit to send down pale green mist that enters and expands your heart chakra. Ask to receive healing from the Plants, Herbs, Flowers and Trees. Ask the Plant Kingdom to always be your friend.

After a Medicine Wheel healing, do not talk about it to anyone for at least three days. This allows a clean disconnection and helps seal the healing without anyone else’s energy or opinion added. In six weeks time, you will start to notice that you are skipping down the road, smiling and feeling lighter. We all have a deep pain from our past lives that needs healing. You are accepting who you have really been. You are integrating your shadow self, your dark side. Remember, you are the creator of your life. You have created a place to heal your soul’s journey through time.

Go and have a sea salt bath for twenty minutes. Don’t think about it: Let It All Go... It takes six weeks to clear vows and soul contracts, to heal and merge all your past lives. Be gentle with yourself, and stay calm and grounded.

Future Self Healing

Using a Medicine Wheel to view your future is easy. First, take a look at the Medicine Wheel template, decide which Power Animals can help you with achieving your future goals. Call in your choosen Power Animals and request your future self in five years time comes to the Medicine Wheel. Take a look at your future self. Do you look healthy? Are you happy? What is your future self waiting to tell you?

Remember, it is up to you. No one can create a future for you. I was informed by my future self that I will create large Medicine Healing Fields that span many countries, reorganising the energetic boundaries of these countries. This will help release old stuck energy, thought forms that create nationalism, as this is counter productive to world peace. I will create strong healing spaces for people to live in peace together, regardless of nationality and race.

I have no desire to receive untruths about myself. I am here to heal myself, which in turn heals Planet Earth. I seek only love and truth. The truth will set you free, is my favourite saying. Only by really loving yourself can you truly love another. Seek your own True Love for self and True Love will seek you. This is what we are all really looking for. This is our true soul contract.
We are love.

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Continue to Chapter Eleven

We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.

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