Chapter 11 - Planet Earth Reading
A Shamanic Healing for the Soul
First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2
Planet Earth wants to communicate with Her co-creators, us. Why? Because She is in trouble and a little awareness of Her predicament can change the future outcome for Herself and All Her Relations, which includes humankind, and as co-creators, She wishes us to take responsibility and help heal Her soul.
How can you make a diff erence to this life? By learning the truth about the real state of our planet, which is a refl ection of you... What you have been thinking, feeling and expressing energetically, in short, YOU!
Mentally she is confused that so-called educated people in the western societies just do not really care about the real state of the environment. The Internet is now full of the correct facts. Nope, nothing much has changed. No real solutions are coming to Her aid.
Emotionally she is worn out, and to be frank, seriously fed up with all the humans. Sound like anyone you know?
Spiritually she is absolutely devastated that you are so unaware of the eff ects that the energy of the billions of people’s greed eating up the future resources of this planet causes... Devastating humans, animals, insects, sea life, plants, our land, the oceans, the air and every living thing in the universe, including the billions of stars and the rest of the planets. Everything is for sale to the highest bidder. Did you know you could even buy a star? Who said you owned it, to be able to sell the star in the first place?
Physically she is run down. How are you feeling? She is concerned about how unaware the public is about the true state of this planet, the air, water and soil, as pollution levels are off the charts.
Planet Earth’s Soul is in shock by your total disregard for the truth. Your thinking minds are programmed to service to self, not service to others. Why don’t you want to save Planet Earth, and ultimately yourselves?
She wants us to rediscover our ancient knowledge by activating our soul’s inner intelligence and connecting to universal wisdom. To remember and know how to respect and take care of our home. She is also shocked. You’re all so unaware of your magical co-creating abilities, along with your powerful imaginations, which can put right the problems facing the world at this time. Pure laziness!
These issues are easy to rectify. Yet there seems no one willing to take full responsibility, NOW, for the habitat, and for how we construct our life experience, by realising we (humans) contribute constantly to the current state of the planet – consciously and unconsciously.
As previously mentioned, did you know that everything that you think, say and feel adds energy to this world? What are you thinking, saying and feeling? What are you personally adding to the world at this time? Do you believe everything is doomed? Is this the sort of energy one should be creating and ultimately generating, at this time? Do you have faith in the future of the human race? Do you actually like your fellow man? Do you even like yourself? These issues can be addressed now, at this creative and magical time. Go within and find that True Love for yourself. Find that True Love for Planet Earth and All Her Relations. As we are the ultimate co-creators. This is important.
I wish to share with you the following information I received in April of 2008. The Planet Earth Medicine Wheel is a place in my imagination. So, just imagine walking through an ancient beautiful lush green forest. You come to a large clearing ahead of you. Imagine there is a Medicine Wheel, consisting of twelve large, clear quartz crystals, and a large turquoise solid crystal rock in the middle, with a small violet flamed sacred fire burning brightly. There are many flowers, French blue lavender, small white daisies, pale violet orchids, pale pink roses and white roses, all forming an inner circle around the large turquoise crystal. The herb bushes consist of white and purple sage. These are all growing abundantly inside the Medicine Wheel. A small, pure white, baby Snow Owl is sitting in the largest sage bush twittering quietly to her self.
There are four small Japanese bonsai trees, in the four cardinal positions, Oak, Cedar, Pine and Maple. I call in the plants, animals, crystals and all of humanity to be here now, to share in this healing Medicine Wheel, to allow in love and peace to all of the universe, the stars and the planets, especially Planet Earth and All Her Relations.
In the centre, slightly to the south, is a small flowing water fountain made with clear quartz crystals and diamonds. A colourful butterfly, a small green tree frog, a tiny blue bird and a small turtle are sipping the cool clear water and bathing in the fountain together, representing the four elements, to help create magic and love.
My honoured Native American friends in spirit gather in my Medicine Wheel to help heal this world. Chief Sitting Bull in the North, Crazy Horse in the East, Chief Black Elk in the South and Chief Sun Bear is sitting in the West. A small female Lakota Sioux child called Standing Holy (Sitting Bull’s beloved daughter) is sitting in the centre, representing the children of the past, present and the future.
I am standing with my beautiful Lioness and the Native American called Crazy Horse. The sun is rising, we all sing a Lakota healing song prayer to Planet Earth, All Her Relations and Great Spirit, Great Mystery and the Great Void from which all of creation comes. Next, I call to Planet Earth’s iron crystal heart centre, and the beauty of nature in all her forms, to come to the Medicine Wheel, to help me hear the message that would give Her the greatest healing at this time.
Golden Eagle Needs Healing
I call to Planet Earth’s Power Animal, the Spirit Keeper of the East, I call to Golden Eagle, to come and share her wisdom and knowledge. Golden Eagle represents the mental self, or thoughts of the Planet.
I immediately see a very sorry looking brown-feathered Golden Eagle slowly walking towards me. Her feathers are all ruffled up. She is covered in rubbish and crude oil, and she looks and smells horrible. She (the Golden Eagle) is swaying from side to side. She wants to throw up. She has allergies (from chemical poisoning) and a streaming cold. I magically offer her herbal soap and give her a shower in the crystal fountain with special cleaning herbs to dissolve and clean off the rubbish and oil. I rub her down with a towel, and wrap her up in a very soft blanket and give her a big hug.
I notice there’s something wrong with her legs, she is also trying to take deep breaths. She is looking for help. She looks up into the sky and tells me that pollution levels and the air quality are getting worse. She has to think of the future and she is very old. I ask Great Spirit, Great Mystery to come and give healing. Violet healing mist covers Golden Eagle, inside and out. As she breathes in the pure violet colour, she loses her cold and her allergies. This means we will be able, in the near future, to clean up the pollution and toxic chemicals. However, her legs are still unstable. I ask how can I heal your legs and she says, “Tell me that it’s okay to save myself.” I tell her, “Its okay, go ahead, save yourself.”
This means she will do whatever it takes to preserve this planet, who is the mother of us (on some level) as we live on Her and She provides for us. She is deeply saddened that it has to come to this high level of destruction of the physical environment. Since we have been doing lots of service to
self, we have tipped the scales, now it is Her time for service to self. We have come full circle. Time is running out for the Humans! I thank the Golden Eagle, who has fallen asleep in my arms, and I hand her to Crazy Horse.
Coyote Explains That Planet Earth Has Been Captured
I go stand with Chief Black Elk, and we call to the Spirit Keeper of the South, I call to Coyote to show how Planet Earth is feeling emotionally. I can hear Coyote yelping and snarling. I go and search the forest just outside of my Medicine Wheel. I find Coyote, she is stuck in a man-made barbed-wire trap. Coyote is in great pain. I approach and ask her if I can help free her from the trap. She rolls her eyes at me and says, “Yeah, of course you can.” Hmm, I detect a little bit of sarcasm. I manage to release her bloodied paw, she licks it and looks up at me. I ask her if she wants to enter my Medicine Wheel and accept healing for her paw. She agrees, and sits quietly by my violet flame fire. As I heal her paw, Coyote calls to her friend, a beautiful copper brown Mare. The Mare appears suddenly from behind the large trees. Coyote explains that Planet Earth has been captured. Horse represents work. Planet Earth has been turned into a workhorse for the fake elite.
I notice that she is looking directly at me. She is not alone. She has a broken bridle on. I see a group of people standing behind her holding the reins tightly. I see them hanging on for dear life! They are now losing their grip on the reins. They, the fake elite, have also all fallen out of the saddle. The Mare has thrown them all off.
Coyote tells us, “The fake elite that have captured Planet Earth and her resources are deliberately destroying the environment. Just take a look around you. Why can’t you see that the world is becoming near impossible to live in, as it becomes an ever-expanding toxic rubbish dump? The fake elite have been controlling pretty much everything on this planet. However, changes are afoot!” Coyote winks at me, so does the Mare. They have a secret they wish to share, “Planet Earth has a Divine Soul rescue plan. She requested help a long time ago.” I ask Coyote, “Who did Planet Earth request the help from?”
Coyote says, “From all of the Divine Souls on Planet Earth, as we are the co-creators of this planet, the Divine energy is inside all of our souls.” Coyote tells us that long ago, Planet Earth asked every single living thing, on a soul level, if She could intervene to save Herself. Ninety-three percent responded favourably”. Planet Earth has been waiting, patiently, as She knows how to wait. However, the time is upon us, as the human race is totally dysfunctional, very unbalanced and compartmentalised. “How are most people unbalanced?” I ask. Coyote reveals that the human body is bombarded with different frequencies which travel through the body and weaken the nervous system, destroyng DNA and the human body. This occurs day and night, as we turn our world into a 24/7 retail experience.
First the radio, then radar, then x-rays, microwaves, cell phones, cell towers, big brother camera systems, hand held technology, and (available soon) eye implants for online games, bionic body parts, and computers that can think for you. We are being turned into walking robots, with more and more metal attached to the body. What about the microchip technology planned soon, to turn us into our own personal walking computers? What are they going to do next, plug us into a mainframe computer? Maybe they already have, through the mass media via TV and computers.
Coyote continues, “The microchips have been harming our fellow animals. Do your research. Your cats and dogs are now sick. The microchips cause tumours and are slowly killing us. Stop micro-chipping us and stop using radio collars on my relations. Do you want to turn the animals into robots as well? We do not need your so-called help. You the humans need our help. We are still connected to Planet Earth. She tells us when to go to a safe place. In all major earthquakes, hurricanes, heavy flooding and tsunamis, the animals leave the area, as they pick up the changes (message) in the atmosphere, which is from our mother, Planet Earth. Your species, the humans, needs this knowledge.”
“Weather, like you have never seen before, will come and cleanse this planet in many places, as it has been doing over the last few years. Man has created imbalance in the first place, and Nature needs to heal this world. Does your soul still commune with the Planet? Will She send you a message and keep you safe?” There is an old Native American saying;
The further man is from nature, the further man is from his Soul.
Coyote explains that human beings’ ways bring great sadness to the world, energetically. We humans, sit in front of televisions and computers all day. We create our view of the world through mass media news channels, which are owned by the fake elite, who feed us doom and gloom. The truth is, we are deceived and uneducated about how our minds create our own experiences. If doom and gloom goes into our minds via the news, then we absorb those images and project them out again, unwittingly creating that doom and gloom in our own lives.
Therefore, turning off the TV is a great start. At least stop watching mainstream news. The news is a version of reality that is purposely created to upset, annoy and irritate you. We, then, are sending out (manifesting)
more of the same. Why do the fake elite want us annoyed and irritated, you may ask? When you are annoyed, do you make good judgments, feel powerful and in control? No, you make mistakes, become aggressive and stressed. You are made to feel powerless and that keeps you projecting out the same. It makes you powerless, and them powerful.
The people of this magnificent planet need to come together to save this world, and first, we need to stop killing each other. This society is based on war and terror. War is really a cover for competition for resources. First, land and water, then oil and gas, and next it will be people. Terra is the Latin name for Earth, funny how terror and terra sounds exactly the same. Are we are being indoctrinated with a play on words?
War on terror = War on terra
Jordan Maxwell
We hear this ‘War on Terror’ statement constantly. Do we object to using these words that continue to create constant war? I do not think we are aware of what is drummed into our heads.
Over the next five years, up to 2013, this world will experience many great changes to our planet. Magical happenings bring wonderment and awe back into our souls. A huge soul retrieval (healing) will be happening. Soul retrieval is when some of your energy is returned to you. So the human race will receive healing and a chance to get back their lost personal power. This means humans will suddenly start to feel whole and balanced again. Solar flares will knock out the energy grids. A solar flare is an explosion of charged particles that can devastate satellites, power grids and the magnetic field around the Earth. Huge fireworks in the sky is how you humans will see this event. For many years it has been known that our Sun gives off these powerful explosions, also known as sun spots, which go in cycles. They contain millions of times more energy than an atomic bomb.
During ‘Cycle 23’ the world saw the largest solar flares ever recorded from our Sun. ‘Cycle 23’ ended in March, 2007. The Sun entered ‘Cycle 24’ in August 2007, which NASA has predicted will be 50% stronger than ‘Cycle 23’. ‘Cycle 24’ is due to peak between the years of 2011 and 2012.
Does the earths magnetic field cause suicides
The Mouse That Roared: Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Over the next 4 years, we can expect some whopper flares and therefore, larger Earth-changing events, such as more earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes. This also means we humans will be bombarded with even more charged particles than ever, via the same geomagnetic storms from the Sun, and more changes within ourselves. The charged particles from the Sun affect the Earth’s weather by affecting the Earth’s magnetic field. Animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them in a similar way as the magnetic field surrounds the Earth.
Our ancestors (Druids, Mayan and Indigenous peoples) knew there was a connection between the Sun and other celestial events which affected humans and animals on Planet Earth. Electricity and energy problems will actually be a blessing, and even though we will have to adjust to the changes, the human body will benefit. We will be returning to living in nature. It is important to stop all this bombardment of different frequencies to let us once again live naturally, in nature, and with nature.
I thanked Coyote and asked her to stay. She smiled at me and nodded her head and goes to sit beside Chief Black Elk, who wants to play with her and cuddle her. I send violet and pale blue mist to cover the Mare, and this helps release the group of humans, the fake elite have now completely vanished. Suddenly, huge rain clouds form, it starts to rain heavily, it becomes very dark, and massive bolts of silver lightening crackle very loudly across the dark blue sky. We all look up in awe. Many bright blue and purple lightening bolts light up the entire sky and join the dance with the rainstorm. Sitting Bull laughs at the huge electrical storms that start to encircle the Medicine Wheel. The rainstorm is very loud and very powerful.
The Mare is prancing around and bucking. Unafraid, she dances in the rainstorm. She represents Planet Earth’s heart. She knows how to love everyone. She sends True Love for everyone, while she dances in the rain storm. She is very happy and bows down her head, tossing her copper mane, to honour all of us on Planet Earth at this time. She tells us to welcome the Earth cleansing. The Mare goes and stands by the North to be with Chief Sitting Bull. She wants us to listen to her friend Grizzly Bear.
Grizzly Bear Speaks About Original Spirituality
I called to Grizzly Bear, the Spirit Keeper of the West and the element of Earth, to show us how our planet is feeling spiritually at this time. Sun Bear and I stand in the West singing a song of healing for Grizzly Bear, as she is very weak and we cannot see her. It starts to rain heavily again. I see mud everywhere, I see a large spinning vortex opening up and wanting to swallow all the buildings, roads, dams and highways, knowing that these things keep us from nature and connecting with Planet Earth.
I call again to Grizzly Bear, I see a shimmer of what used to be a big strong beautiful brown Grizzly Bear, with grey flecks that once sparkled like silver, and she is fading in and out like a ghost. I ask Grizzly Bear if she wants to receive healing in my Medicine Wheel. Grizzly Bear, shaking her head, looks down and states, “It’s all backwards”, and she is very upset. Sun Bear goes to pick her up and carries her into the Medicine Wheel. She is very small, with very little fur, Sun Bear is concerned and I let him do healing on her.
When she is looking better, we ask her to talk to us about the human soul. We are told the following:
“Human beings have given away their power through religion, a subtle, spiritually devastating form of mind control. Religion implies servitude to another human being, whether it is a priest, vicar, rabbi or guru.
“Do you really want to entrust your soul to a man (usually) you barely know, who wears strange outfits and works for the church? Really, you give away your own sovereign right to be a powerful magical co-creator with Planet Earth, because some guy in a purple/black dress (to represent the feminine) says so.”
“Attending a church and begging to God to answer all your prayers? Yes, let’s constantly create loads of desperation, by begging on our knees every Sunday, creating energetically desperate human beings. Great!”
“There is a higher Divine Power. It wants you to take full responsibility for your lives, not wait around hoping for changes. Be the changes you want to see. Make things happen.”
“Research the history of the religious orders. If you go back far enough, it has always been about controlling the population and the money. The focus was shifted to there being only ‘one’ life. Reincarnation was abolished to scare you into complete submission. Do as we say in this life or you will go to hell for eternity. Very clever. The churches are extremely powerful and wealthy institutions. Why is this? Do they have to pay a premium to get your soul into heaven? Is there a secret toll, that from the goodness of their hearts, they spare us the worry and the cost? I think not.”
Grizzly Bear continues, “The original spiritually of the Human Being, your Original Divine Souls, has been tampered with, or rather inverted. You have all suffered extreme soul loss, due mainly to the fake elite’s fake religious conditioning. To divert our attention away from Nature and towards being controlled, unnatural, robots, constantly fighting over religion, land and resources.”
This is what religion was set up to accomplish. To separate us, to divide us. To ultimately weaken all of humanity over a very long period of time. To destroy humanity and this planet, through biological and chemical wars, destroying the environment.
You need to listen to your soul’s inner intelligence. We need to stop feeling separate from each other, to realise we are all from the same planet, we are all human beings. We need to work on ourselves and heal the entire journey of our soul. You can save your own soul. Which helps everyone on this planet at this time, as the more we love ourselves the more love we create and add to this world. We are all one, as you heal yourself, you heal all of this world. We are love. We are God.
Grizzly Bear is eating healing berries and fruit. She is becoming more solid, I give her some hands-on healing, using violet and pale pink. She starts to giggle. She does a silly dance and gives me a big hug. She wants to tell humans to go and heal your soul and get back your power. Your power is True Love for yourself. Grizzly Bear is now sitting on the blanket snuggling up to Sun Bear.
White Buffalo Warns That Nothing Is Natural Anymore
Sitting Bull and I call to White Buffalo, the Spirit Keeper of the North, the element of Air, which represents the physical world and the future. The Great North Wind suddenly appears, the trees are swaying quite violently. I hear in the distance a stampede of White Buffaloes. The loudness grows and a rumbling of the ground can be heard as it starts to shake. In the distance, I see many volcanoes erupting, sending ash and moulten lava into the air.
I spot the leader of the White Buffaloes, trotting towards me. She is dressed in a very strange fancy dress outfit, with a party paper hat on, carrying loads of designer shopping bags. I wondered who she was dressed up as. She arrives and informs me that she is dressed as Little Bo Peep who has lost her sheep! And doesn’t know where to find them! I think that means most people are acting like lost sheep!
On her back piled high are white goods. Unbelievably, she is carrying a fridge, a freezer, a cooker, a video, a DVD player, a TV, a microwave, a computer, an iPod and a cell phone. She has medical equipment as well, as if an IV has been put into her front right leg. She is very overweight and has wobbly legs that are very weak. In addition, I think she is drunk, as her eyes are crossed. She has lots of pressure in her head. Hmm, she is not well or coherent at all. Remind you of anyone?
I ask White Buffalo to enter the Medicine Wheel. A large silver lightening bolt strikes to clear her from all the manmade items.
All that I see now, is a beautiful strong pure White Buffalo, standing among the pile of man-made items, which immediately shrink and she kicks them happily into the sacred fire.
White Buffalo starts speaking. She asks that we listen to her, and to the animals and elements that wish to speak to us (humans) about the current state of this beautiful world.
She wants to see us reject the current model of industrialisation, and to create a holistic approach to resources and lifestyles. Unfortunately, the third world countries now see it as their time to industrialise, yet, going back to the land and cleaning up the water supplies is the only way forward. She urges us to go back to the land.
White Buffalo says, “This world is a shop, when it should be a land of paradise. You need to stop buying stuff from the shop. As consumers, human beings have ultimate power. You seem to be unaware of this. You humans buy the products. Stop buying the products. This is your real power at this time, even your food that is not organic is cloned versions of the original. Nothing is natural anymore. Go back to nature.”
“Don’t buy genetically modified foods. It is designed to genetically modify humans. Do it now. Vote with your wallet and see the industry change, overnight. In addition, read what additives are in those prepackaged meals. Why are you humans eating so many chemicals?”
“Home cooking, starting from scratch, is the only way you can truly see what’s in your meals, so learn to cook from scratch and buy locally grown food. This is very important. Financially, you are helping your local area. All food holds the vibration of the place in which it was grown. It is best consumed there, yet we shop and buy products from all over the world, which when consumed, confuses the frequency of our bodies and weakens the human body.”
“You need to demand healthier solutions to packaging as well. You need to reduce plastic wrapping. Most products are individually wrapped, and then re-wrapped and then boxed! Why? Reduce excess packaging now. Stop buying individually wrapped items. Make a difference and start today. No more manufacturing of plastic bags, plastic bottles and metal cans. How can you do this? What did you humans use before plastic! Use glass and recycle. This needs to be come the norm.”
“Go to a local area that needs cleaning up and get on with cleaning the rubbish up. Once it is clean, take a photograph of the area. Look at this photo every day to anchor in the rubbish free area, you will notice people stop dropping litter there. That would be a good place to start. Involve children in looking after green areas. Cleaning up litter is the first step to healing this planet.”
We thanked White Buffalo. She now asks that we talk to her friend, the Turtle.
Can You Help the Oceans?
Turtle walks into my Medicine Wheel and shows me a vision. In my imagination, I see her swimming frantically, as if she wants to get away from a deadly enemy. I see many men and large fishing boats after her. She is breathing rapidly, and is very nervous of being killed. This is how Planet Earth feels at this time.
I get Turtle to sit with me and receive hands-on light blue healing mist, filling her and Planet Earth with peace.
“All the fish in the sea are having trouble breathing. The oxygen levels are dropping, and that is why the solar flares will help create big natural storms to put back the oxygen. If we cannot breathe, we will not procreate, and then the fish stocks will diminish altogether all over the world. This will lead to mass starvation for humans.”
“You must clean up the pollution in the oceans. Stop carelessly dumping small plastic lighters, combs, bags and food wrappings in our waters. If you refuse to buy these plastic items, they will not end up in the ocean. It actually is that simple. Can you help the oceans? Can you refuse to buy these particular plastic items?”
“We are also tired of the continuous pulsing noises that make the ocean beds gently shake. The sonar waves are making us experience constant tinnitus. We end up in the wrong place and loose many of our family when we travel across great distances. The beautiful Dolphins (purity) and Whales (experience) are sad and show us how sad they are by turning up on shores beached. We make statements with our bodies when we are tired of the constant noise pollution. It is a relief to die. This is very serious. Your Navy and Military can be persuaded, put pressure on them for us. Then small pockets of silence can be set up for us to find relief.”
Native tribes used to be the only ones that sent the Planet Earth healing energy. Now many people from all walks of life realise they can send Her healing and love, and She feels this healing, this love. I call to the Great Spirit, Great Mystery to send down violet healing mist and send it all over the entire oceans of this beautiful world. We send a magical net to scoop up all the plastic and remove it, energetically, from the oceans. We see many scuba divers collecting the plastic items and burning them in the sacred fire. We see all the fish in the sea smiling and breathing in pure oxygen. We send love to all the beings of the sea.
We The Trees Are Here To Protect You
At each of the four directions are small Japanese bonsai trees, Oak, Cedar, Pine and Maple. The four trees start to grow and become so big that I decide to fly up to the top of the oak tree. Oak speaks for the world’s trees: “We see many of our forests completely devastated by massive forest fires and monumental logging. We have very bad news, if you continue to cut us down, only 30 percent of the trees will be living in 20 years time. Know this, we are here purely for the animals and the structure of the land. You humans have broken the soul connection. We are nearly dead to you. All the trees in the world are saddened by the cutting of life force energy that we were holding for all of you. This energy is moving to other worlds. Only some humans will be able to stay and play here.”
“The indigenous tribes of the world are having their habitat taken away. We, the trees, are here to protect you, providing materials to build structures to shield you from the weather. We are here to clean the air, to feed you with our nuts and fruits, and heal you with our medicines. Yet, we have been seen as something to cut down and destroy.”
“Why are you cutting down your future breath? If you live for today it means you die tomorrow.”
“The forest fires are out of control and you will see many more fires all over this planet in the next few years. We are dying fast and you don’t care! Why don’t you manage the forests as your ancestors did? Why have you forgotten to love and honour the trees, especially in North America, Canada, Europe and Asia? Millions, yes millions of trees no longer exist! What have you done? In the long term, our forests must remain. It is paramount to the survival of the human race. Please help us. We urge you to plant more trees (more friends)
for your future.”
“Every single person on the planet needs to plant a tree, a herb and a flower for every year of their life, and do it now. You will be making your tomorrows, and making more friends for the humans. There is little time. Act now!”
Plant trees, herbs and flowers, which are local species to your area. As more are planted, it will send love to all the trees, herbs and flowers. When you love and respect a tree, all trees feel your love. Love the trees, herbs and flowers and they will stay. I send love, rainbow healing mist and future energy to every tree, herb and flower in the world. We thanked Oak, who shrank back to a small Bonsai Tree.
The Rain Is Crying
I flew up into the Air and called to the Rain and the Wind to tell us their story. Rain was crying, believe it or not. Rain speaks, “I’m dirty and heavy, stop spraying chemicals which are hurting me. A massive global chemical spraying operation, using a large fleet of many hundreds of aircraft, seems to operate over most countries of the world. It is now severely damaging ALL life on Earth. These chemicals are very dangerous to all life on Earth. If I am filled with chemicals, I spread death all over the planet. I am life, let me be life. Why are you destroying me? I want to get away. Why do you poison this planet?”
“All these nuclear bomb tests! I understand that over 50 have been detonated in our atmosphere. What have been the benefits to mankind, to this planet? Was it worth it? Has mankind advanced by these hideous poisonous ways or weapons of mass destruction?”
Did you know that once after a nuclear experiment, which created new electromagnetic belts in the atmosphere, the caribou mysteriously failed to migrate for the first time in 3000 years? A warning perhaps of how the migration of animals, fish and birds may be affected by disturbances to electromagnetic fields - and of the potential impact this could have on every living thing.”
“Also, every single rocket launched puts billions of gallons of fuel particles into the air. Everyone is too busy watching the rocket to look at the profound amount of poisons that cannot be cleaned up, ever! What are you humans doing to this beautiful place?”
“With the additional problem, in the last 50 years or so, the fake elite, your governments, have played around with the weather. Did you know? Every year, China launches thousands of rockets and artillery shells into the sky. Through its Weather Modification Programme, China hopes to control the forces behind rain. What do you think your own country is doing to this beautiful world?”
I send deep cleansing to all the rain, using a violet and pale blue cleansing potion that clears the toxins and chemicals out of the rain. I separate the metals and dissolve them in love and justice. The rain starts to become big and clear like a massive rainbow coloured raindrop, she smiles. She says thanks for the release from all of the horrible pollutants.
The Wind Is Haunted
I call to the Wind, and she is sniffing too. She’s thick in some places and weak and thin in others, and she is tightly held by a strange metallic energy in the sky. Wind tells me, “I am getting ready to dance with the rain.”
“I am haunted by a dull humming that slices into my being. HAARP is responsible, research this.” HAARP (America’s High-frequency Active Auroral Research Programme) a multimillion dollar ‘civilian’ installation, hidden away in Alaska, ostensibly intended to ‘alter the performance of communications and surveillance systems’. Seemingly innocent enough, until she explains that this grid of 180 transmission towers is funded by the military and is part of the ‘Star Wars’ defence network. HAARP, and its linked brother projects are, she says, known to the military as ‘ionosphere modification facilities’.”
[An ionospheric modification facility is a heater, an array of 180 massive attennas which are used for heating the ionosphere (SKY) and which can create artificial aurora borealis (a natural light display). The United States hass three ionosperic heating facilities: the HAARP, the HIPAS near FAIRBANKS, Alaska and (currently offline for modification) on at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The ionospheric is the uppermost part of the atmosphere, distinguished because it is ionized by solar radiation. It plays an important part in atmospheric electricity and forms the inner edge of the magnetosphere.]
Wind tells us that there are ethical questions and Human Rights Concerns regarding HAARP. There are a diversity of popular theories surrounding HAARP, crediting it with being a secret missile tracking/defence system, earthquake tracking (or causing) system, weather control, mind control, or having some other secret function. We see the three main facilities, HAARP, HIPAS near Fairbanks, Alaska, and the ARECIBO Observatory in Puerto Rico, with big signs saying
I call the healing energy of the rainbows to help the rain and wind. We see the wind start to heal, and once again, she is thick, strong, and able to move freely through the air. We send violet, gold and silver healing mist to the rain, the wind, the sky and the entire atmosphere of this beautiful planet.
We Call To The Mountains Of This World
The Mountains of Planet Earth wish to speak about the mining and the feelings of abuse and pain. It is like someone taking your appendix. Hey, if its part of you, you may wish to keep it on some level.
“I (the Mountains) am being tirelessly ripped open by big explosions and illegal mining. My skin is ripped off and the pillaging begins. All the metals and precious stones you have taken out of me. What have you used me for? How has it made your life better? I cannot see how by wearing my gold, silver or copper to make you look more appealing, has made any real difference.”
“Why have you stolen my body that makes me look beautiful? Who said you could have it? Did you ask? My body has been punched and prodded, it has been scooped out, and the funny thing is, most of what you take from me is discarded. Waste and water consumption are being excessively used, your mines are poisoning the world water supplies as well. Why do this? The Indigenous people, who know how to love Planet Earth, are being thrown off their land and are resorting to eating poisoned fish. The mercury and pollution are making the local rivers, as well as the mines, one of the biggest ecological problems now.”
“The diamonds, precious gem stones and crystals that you take out of me, keep harmony with the structure and frequency of my being. They are parts of my soul. It is like someone taking your selenium out of your brain. The clarity fades as you take more of my soul, distributing them all over the planet on people’s fingers. It is scattering my soul, my sacred power. It is in the wrong place now. It is yet another way to destroy Planet Earth. It is time to find beauty within, not with gold or diamonds. You are not helping my pulse of life if you carry it to different parts of the world. Please stop it.”
“Planet Earth wishes to acknowledge that some humans do understand the true healing properties of certain metals, diamonds, gems and crystals. They are respectful and seek permission before use and activate them correctly to do their work, which isn’t sitting on someone’s finger, only to be admired.”
I send pale pink healing and love to the Mountains and the mines. They are sad. I call to the Volcanoes, “Tell me your wisdom”
The Volcanoes Come To Tell Us Their Wisdom
“Before pollution, say 250 years ago, we (the Volcanoes) were here to keep the soil rich in vibrant nutrients to help all plant life, which feeds and supports all life.”
“Volcanoes help release certain stress points in Planet Earths’ body. Also, they were places that could release gases and heat if needed. Now pollution has actually cooled the planet. Global warming is a scam. We the Volcanoes are being manipulated by HAARP and are getting ready to blast!”
“The powers that hold the reins of the world until 2013 want humans to feel bad (meaning pay for) all the pollution, yet you were deceived. No one was honest with you. Greed and money were the name of the game. My fossil fuels never ever needed to be taken. Now I have big holes inside me that are causing me to sway and lose balance.”
“Many years ago, and again recently, several alternative free energy inventions appeared and vanished, kept hidden from the public. Why? Because the fossil fuel companies were just making too much money to care about long term effects. None of the coal or oil needed to be taken. It takes millions of years to make fossil fuels, yet you humans had been obsessed with consuming at least 50% of the planet’s entire supply in a matter of 100 years. Why are you doing this? Eighty-five percent of all the energy that ‘runs’ this planet is via fossil fuels, not a good idea for the future of this planet. You need to learn to do without fossil fuels, really, to help clean up the mess.”
“Cars have single-handedly caused much of the health and weight problems in modern people. Sitting in a metal box cuts you off from nature. Yes, you look out the window at a beautiful scene in 2D, but unless you are sitting outside in fresh air 3D, you remain disconnected from nature, which leads to disconnection from your soul, disconnected from your true power.”
I send pale green and ice blue healing mist to all the mountains and volcanoes, filling the holes and spaces inside of Planet Earth with whatever is needed to bring back balance to the entire inner structure of our planet. I thanked all the Power Animals and Planet Earth for speaking to us. We thanked Great Spirit, Great Mystery.
I have seen the future, Planet Earth is travelling into the Age of Aquarius, with magic and True Love. Planet Earth urges us to go and find our power within. To go and find True Love, by listening to our soul’s inner intelligence, to become magical universal human beings. For your Great Adventure is about to begin.
Samantha Britt Beaumont
Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles
Continue to Addendum
We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.
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We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.