The Myth of Spreading Infection And Options For Protection

John Gilbert • 5 December 2022

Understanding the real dangers and how best to protect ourselves

The myth of spreading infection by John Gilbert, Community Assembly of the British Isles

This post explores the concept of 'infection' and whether 'viruses' actually exist so that we can understand what the real dangers are and how we can best protect ourselves. There are currently two theories about the cause and spread of disease which need to be questioned and a third theory which I believe provides the answer but which has not yet been considered.


We have been led to believe that germs can travel from one person to another, infecting each in turn and spreading disease throughout the population. This is how governments and big pharma have persuaded us to believe that everyone must be isolated in order to reduce physical contact. This opened the way for them to present a raft of spurious medical protocols that must be followed to protect us from something that they have not isolated or proven to be the problem. This in turn has led to the perceived 'enforcement' of social distancing, masking and untested 'vaccines'.


The facts as far as we know are explained below.


Germ Theory

The germ theory of disease was put forward to explain the reasons behind infections or diseases. It states that many diseases are caused by infectious agents or germs and refers to microorganisms which cannot be seen by the naked eye or under a microscope. Germ theory takes into account all types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans as germs and suggests they are responsible for diseases in humans, animals, and other living organisms. It is proposed that as a result of the growth and reproduction of these microorganisms inside a host organism, diseases are caused.

When microorganisms cause infections they are called pathogens. According to the germ theory, a pathogen is the principal cause of a disease whilst other factors such as environmental and hereditary factors only influence the severity of the disease. The germs that big pharma have been marketing to sell their 'vaccines' are RNA Mammalian Viruses and, this may shock some of you, they have never been detected or to be more precise, they have never been isolated.

There is no proof that these RNA Mammalian Viruses exist except in a computer model so if you think that you could be infected by them then get yourself a computer ant-virus. It will be just as effective as big pharma’s 'vaccines' and will not do anything like as much damage. This begs the question how can anyone produce a vaccine to protect people against something which can’t be detected?

Terrain Theory

Terrain theory states that our state of health is determined by the internal environment of the body and therefore the word 'terrain' refers to the body and not the terrain that surrounds us.


Susceptibility to a disease totally depends on the quality of an individual's internal environment rather than the invasion of pathogens. When the body is maintained at equilibrium and when the repair mechanism and detoxification work properly, the terrain of the individual will usually remain healthy. When there is a healthy terrain, it can handle any attempted violation of the body which can promptly be dealt with and ejected. 

A weak terrain is more vulnerable to external invaders. A weak terrain is the result of imbalanced metabolic processes which should be rectified through nutrition, mind-set, detoxification, maintaining proper pH, etc. Therefore, terrain theory encourages us to maintain a healthy lifestyle to fight against disease.


Terrain theory does not preclude the existence of pathogens but states that the body is adapted in such a way that it is able to deal with them. Only when the body is overwhelmed will it become sick or when the repair mechanism runs out of vitamins, minerals and trace elements so that it cannot function correctly.


Frequency Theory


If there is no proof that viruses exist then how is it that one person can seemingly infect another? Here we have to look into the world of homeopathy and herbalism and work out why they work. In homeopathy the concentration of the original substance is diluted to such an extent that little, if any, of the original substance still remains and so cannot possibly work, or so it is said by the pharmaceutical industry. The more the original substance is diluted, the stronger the effect of homeopathic medicines. It is worth noting that the Royal Society of Medicine now recognises homeopathic medicines as legitimate treatments. 


We have to recognise that there is more at play here and one theory that fits the bill is 'frequency'. Homeopathic and herbal remedies work by changing the body’s frequency and so the change in frequency is how an improvement in the patient’s condition is brought about. We all know that Rife frequencies can do the same and so this should give us a clue as to how one person can pass on a disease to another when there is seemingly nothing to pass on. The reverse is also true in that the frequencies that one person generates can cure another and a skilled healer can use this to good advantage.


One thing we can be fairly certain of is that one person cannot infect another by expelling 'germs' and many experiments in the past have failed to show that infection actually happens.


Options for protection


One proven protection that works extremely well is Ivermectin. It is a natural substance which is readily absorbed by the body. I wouldn’t like to give a definitive answer as to why it works but I would bet that it has something to do with frequencies. Ivermectin is a very fine prophylactic that reduces your chances of getting ill in the first place. If anyone wants to order Ivermectin then you can contact me and I will give you the contact details.

Big pharma are plastering the internet with every kind of horror story about the use of Ivermectin but it has been in constant use since 1970 and two of the people who developed it were awarded the Nobel Prize. I will let you form your own judgement. It is very likely that Ivermectin can be used to reduce the effects of the 'injection' and this is being investigated further.


We also know that Hydroxychloroquine is a very effective treatment for most diseases associated with the detoxing of the body and is easy to make at home. You will find instructions in the above link.

Pine Essential Oil

Finally, there is an essential oil which protects people from the effects of being with others who are suffering disease and this is Pine Essential Oil. Alberto Simon Bellu tipped us that a certain type of Pine Sylvestris Oil is also being tested as a treatment for the 'injection' itself with good results so far. This oil has a strong, dry-balsamic, turpentine-like aroma. 

The correct oil to purchase is produced by Craftovator. This is a company I have been using for a few years now. It provides good quality products but if anyone knows of more companies then I am keen to know. Put some of the oil on your wrist and rub your two wrists together until the oil disappears. Repeat this routine morning and evening. 

Raising Frequencies

Many of you will recognise one of Ian Welch’s mantras which goes like this:

'I choose not to be infected or affected by any type of shedding or frequency corruption on any level and in any way.'


How does that work? If you are in fear of being with someone who is ill it lowers your own physical frequency rendering you susceptible to the low frequencies associated with disease. It is my belief that certain frequencies emitted by those suffering from a bodily detox can trigger a similar reaction in those that are in close proximity. This is often mistakenly called 'shedding'. Using the above mantra recommended by Ian reduces fear and anxiety, strengthens the mind and increases our frequency for greater protection.


Please remember that the theory about frequencies causing and curing diseases is only my opinion and that of a few other Naturopaths. There have been no controlled studies although, in all fairness, there have been no wholly successful studies done on the other two theories either.

John Gilbert MD (AV), MCHI, SAC Dip, FGAV, MBCS, MIET, C.Eng., LCGI

Co-founder of the Community Assembly of the British Isles

Community Assembly Facilitator

Community Peace Constable

Community Light Brigade

John Gilbert, Community Peace Constable

About John

A technician for the RAF before working in the boat building industry and obtaining degrees in marine engineering and electrical and mechanical engineering before achieving a Masters Degree in Information and Communications Technology. Studied Homeopathy in my late 30s after being crippled with arthritis and led me to became a qualified Homeopathic Practitioner.  I went on to study Indian and Chinese medicines, Ayurvedic Medicine and Cellular Medicine over the years and became a qualified Master Herbalist before studying  with Dr Matthias Rath who was a student of Linus Pauling. I have been a runner of long distances since 8 years of age, and remain competitive at the age of (nearly) 72.

John co-founded the Community Assembly of the British Isles in May 2020 with Claire Baker and Susan Carruthers.

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