Understanding Our Spiritual Frequencies

John Gilbert • 5 June 2022

Working to raise our spiritual frequencies for the highest good of all

Understanding Our Spiritual Frequencies by John Gilbert, Community Assembly of the British Isles

We can all choose to vibrate energetically at a particular frequency, especially when we learn that the lower the frequency, the denser the energy, and the heavier problems seem to be.

At low frequencies of 500 hertz or less we may experience pain and discomfort in our physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. Psychically, it means our energy is darker and we need to exert a great deal of effort to accomplish our goals. Overall, our life takes on a negative quality. 

The higher the frequency of our energy or vibration, the lighter we feel in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. We experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy, and the higher our frequencies, the less discomfort or pain we feel in our bodies. This makes our emotions more easy to deal with, and it means our energy is literally full of light!

When we are operating in high frequencies, life flows with synchronicity, and we manifest what we desire with greater ease. Overall, our life takes on a positive quality.

Personally, I have chosen to harmonise my physical, emotional, and mental bodies and this has meant a more stable and beneficial existence because if I maintain a good physical balance then this helps my mental acuity which helps me to maintain emotional balance. 

When it comes to spiritual frequency, this can be allowed to attain a much higher level by dedicating ourselves in service to others. As in 'Per opera Ad Astra' which means 'through service to the stars'.

Our love and devotion to our fellows increases our spiritual frequency. The more we love unconditionally, the less room there is for ego. This is because love and ego are inversely proportional which means as one becomes larger the other becomes smaller.

Being in a higher vibrational frequency is going to become more and more important to us as we experience greater awareness of the polarities between the lower and higher vibrations.

We will begin to perceive greater separation between the 'dark' and the 'light' almost as if we live in two worlds at once. We will need to consciously choose between the dark and the light or the higher and the lower vibrations and be mindful that being absorbed with lower frequencies will lower our ability to think, act, discern truth and make decisions. 

Despair and desperation due to challenges will consume those vibrating at a lower frequency but know that help is available from those vibrating at the higher frequency.

The lower and denser energies will naturally want to rise when they are around the higher and lighter energies. It is important for people who carry a higher vibrational frequency to maintain it and not lower it, no matter how uncomfortable it feels. Those people resonating at a higher vibration will only be able to maintain it as long as they don't succumb to the pull of the lower vibration. That pull will come in the form of old programmes and patterns of needing approval or of wanting to 'fit in.'

This is only really true up to a point because there is a tipping point where maintaining a high frequency becomes easier. Helping others becomes pleasurable and the need for reward diminishes. It is like loving someone so much that their happiness becomes more important than your own and this is where true love and friendship enables a level of trust that exceeds that which we have experienced in the past.

To understand this we can look to the Roman soldiers who fought from behind a shield wall but not for themselves. Each soldier protected the man to his right and so there had to be a level of absolute trust in your buddy on your left to fight for and protect you. If we each love and protect each other in this way, we are all protected.

When we choose to be in a higher vibration, we are an example. Choosing the light of a higher frequency requires a firm commitment to it even when it feels as though we no longer fit in. We won't receive approval or fit in any longer because we will stand in separation from those with a lower frequency just as a tiny light in the midst of a dark room stands out.

Always remember that those with the lower vibration have the potential to raise it and so be ready to light the way. Remember also that we will be able to find people who resonate at a higher vibration where we will have the support we need to keep our light shining bright.

This journey is no longer about the individual hero but about protecting and standing up for each other. Love is a commitment that needs to work in more than one direction so that we reinforce the energy of the person on our right and trust absolutely the person on our left. Two things that evil can never achieve is love and trust.

Because we are willing to let our light be seen the Aborigines call us the 'Way-showers' and it is our job to act as a beacon for those who might otherwise become lost.

John Gilbert MD (AV), MCHI, SAC Dip, FGAV, MBCS, MIET, C.Eng., LCGI

Co-founder of the Community Assembly of the British Isles

Community Assembly Facilitator

Community Peace Constable

Community Light Brigade

John Gilbert, Community Peace Constable

About John

A technician for the RAF before working in the boat building industry and obtaining degrees in marine engineering and electrical and mechanical engineering before achieving a Masters Degree in Information and Communications Technology. Studied Homeopathy in my late 30s after being crippled with arthritis and led me to became a qualified Homeopathic Practitioner.  I went on to study Indian and Chinese medicines, Ayurvedic Medicine and Cellular Medicine over the years and became a qualified Master Herbalist before studying  with Dr Matthias Rath who was a student of Linus Pauling. I have been a runner of long distances since 8 years of age, and remain competitive at the age of (nearly) 72.

John co-founded the Community Assembly of the British Isles in May 2020 with Claire Baker and Susan Carruthers.

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