The Science of Natural Law

Sue Cartwright • 17 January 2023

The truth about Natural Law and how we can reinstate our inalienable rights and freedom

The Science of Nature by Sue Cartwright, Community Assembly of the British Isles

When we understand the truth about Natural Law, it's easy to see how the fundamental principles of human nature relate to each and every one of us and how our collective actions determine our freedom and quality of life. It is important to note that any non-human entities that can feel, think, learn and respond to their external and internal environments have inalienable rights too.

These facts were confirmed to me recently - quite beautifully and succinctly - in a documentary The Science of Natural Law by renowned teacher of Natural Law in America, Mark Passio. Mark's message is that he is seeking peers and allies to help spread the truth about Natural Law which is why I wanted to share his work with you.

I have broken down the content of the documentary as simply as possible with a view to providing an explanation for anyone who has never heard of Natural Law, including why this might be so. I hope this is helpful and serves to add grist to our mill in terms of reclaiming our Sovereignty, building a new system for ourselves and walking away from those who seek to have authority over us.

Hidden Knowledge

The hardest thing to explain to people who haven't yet joined us on our journey is that the truth about Natural Law has been purposefully hidden from us for many thousands of years. Those at the top echelons of the moneyed few have essentially kept this beautiful truth from us in order to increase their own wealth and power.

This has been done by master psychologists who have created an intricate web of deception, manipulation and mis-information (the real kind) to deceive us. This has infiltrated corporate leadership, politics, banking, medicine, law (as in legalese), law enforcement, entertainment, technology, media and education. None of us, therefore, can be entirely blamed for not knowing about Natural Law and the hidden laws of Nature and human nature. 

Natural Law

The best way to describe Natural Law is to first understand what it is not. For example, it has nothing to do with religion, theories of evolution, the law of the jungle, the so-called 'natural order of dog eat dog' or anything that is manmade. The existing condition of the laws of Nature are binding and immutable. Natural Law is therefore 'a set of universal, NON-manmade, binding and unchangeable conditions which govern the behavioural consequences of beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence.'

The reason Natural Law is so illusive (apart from being purposefully hidden from us) is that it encompasses a body of knowledge about natural laws that cannot be readily seen with our eyes or measured by traditional forms of scientific measurement. Those who have access to this knowledge have essentially used it against us at the expense of our inalienable rights and freedom.

Free Will

Where Natural Law governs the aggregate or collective, free will represents the behavioural choices of entire populations manifesting the consequences of the behaviours we choose. 'The consequences we receive are always dependent on whether our behaviours are moral or immoral, in other words right or wrong. While we all have free will we are not insulated from the moral consequences of our moral choices.'

The workings of Natural Law can therefore be discovered and understood by observable, repeatable and measurable effects in our world (cause and effect) which means ultimately that the understanding of Natural Law constitutes a science of morality.

This is why knowing the difference between right and wrong, and knowing that it is up to each of us to choose our own right or wrong behaviour, is critical for human beings to be able to live in peace, harmony and freedom together.

Human Rights

A 'right' is an action that does not initiate harm to another sentient being (human and animal). Wrong doings such as murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion and wilfully lying are all variations of harm or theft. These acts or behaviours constitute harm in violation of Natural Law. This exactly correlates with the four main tenets of Natural Law which all our members have agreed to abide by:

  • Do no harm
  • Commit no fraud
  • Cause no loss
  • Keep the peace

By collectively agreeing to abide by these principles we collectively choose to take responsibility for our decisions and actions in order to live peaceably and cooperatively with each other - this is what it means to be a valued part of the Community Assembly of the British Isles and our parallel network, the Assemblies of the World.

Slavery (to the system)

Examples of slavery are all around us. Taxation is theft enforced by coercion; medical mandates are coercion as only we have the right to choose what we put into our bodies; driving licenses violate our right to natural travel, and so on. Every non-voluntary manmade 'law' is in opposition to Natural Law which means they are all illegitimate and we have absolutely no obligation to follow them or abide by them.

Objective Morality

It is important to note that morality is NOT based on perception, opinion or the whims of those who seek to control us or use others for their own ends. This means that feelings, beliefs, doctrines, religions, time or whims of law are entirely irrelevant. A behaviour is either right or wrong. It causes harm to another or it does not. To behave with right action is moral, to behave with wrong action is immoral.

It is currently grossly misunderstood that no-one gets to decide what is moral or immoral. This fundamental premise of Natural Law pre-exists and is inherent in the creative world itself.

The Law of Freedom

The beauty of the Law of Freedom is its simplicity which is:

As a society, the more we become moral collectively, the more we become collectively free.

As a society, the less we become moral collectively, the more we become collectively enslaved.

Those who hide the truth from us know this very well which is why they 'teach us' that there is no difference between right and wrong and that 'moral relativism' assumes people decide for themselves what is moral or immoral.

Choose Freedom

If we are to manifest our individual and collective freedom, we need to be absolutely clear that morality is objective NOT subjective. If something causes harm or loss it is by definition immoral. Not understanding this one essential point has led us into slavery.

And so, now we know this and we understand the science of Natural Law and how it has been hidden from us, we can start to turn things round. This is done by each of us choosing moral action over immoral action in order to manifest our Sovereign and rightful, inalienable rights and freedom.

Sue Cartwright AInstAM

Community Assembly of the British Isles


Watch on video

Further Reading

The Truth About Knowledge - Sue Cartwright

The Problem With Leadership - Sue Cartwright

The Book of Beautiful Questions - Warren Berger

Knowledge in Books - Sue Cartwright

Sue Cartwright, Founder of Spiral Leaf & Community Assembly Facilitator for the Community Assembly Hub, Devon

About Sue

Sue is a writer, administrator, researcher, web designer and founder of Spiral Leaf sharing the beauty and abundance of Nature, Spirituality and Natural Health. 

Sue is Founding Facilitator of the Community Assembly of Devon, and editor/designer of the Community Assembly of the British Isles website and blog.

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