Chapter 6 - How to Find True Love
A Shamanic Healing for the Soul
First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2
True Love is a pre-destine divine soul agreement that most of humanity seems to have forgotten. We need to remember this soul agreement to find our True Love. It is our divine right and our destiny to heal ourselves, Planet Earth and All Her Relations - which includes all of humanity.
We have all been suffering from spiritual amnesia, we have lost our way and need again to seek our True Love. This is your destiny, there is only one person you made a soul agreement with, to finally experience the life and love you were meant to have. I know a way, it is easy and fun, to help you to find your True Love. It is our divine right to exist in this world with our True Love. Do you want to find your True Love?
Remember that everything you think, say and do creates your world, so you need to start now, by creating the circumstances in your life that will guide you to your True Love. Life is for loving, life was not meant to be hard and full of pain, but we forgot that we are Magical Universal Human Beings who seek love. This is our destiny, to love, to be loved and to create a loving world. Take a good look around, have you seen any couples who are deeply in love, who respect and honour each other?
It’s a sad fact that most couples are not happy for long, the façade wears out, the arguments begin, the children are left to watch TV (their virtual nannies) and the sadness continues to consume all of this world. The war isn’t just in foreign lands full of oil, it’s in many households all across this world, where couples decide to blame their partners for their own miserable lives. No one is willing to take on full responsibility for how they are really feeling, they carry on creating and sending out this sadness and frustration.
Most people start and continue relationships for all the wrong reasons. These relationships usually cause more pain than love. It takes a certain amount of courage to face yourself and how you have really been feeling. To admit that you have made a series of countless mistakes, to realise that you have yet to meet and experience your one and only True Love.
The beauty of being truthful is that you are in a place of love for yourself and this is the beginning of truly loving yourself. My advice for people in relationships that are not True Love relationships, is to lovingly and truthfully end these relationships. Tell the other person you are giving them a gift of being able to find their True Love too.
It is important to tell the partner who you want to end the relationship with, because looking for your True Love while in a relationship is not advised as this is dishonest and what you do brings in more of the same, so your life will only get more dishonest.
You need to be in a good place to find your True Love so make sure you are single and free to find your True Love before you start.
Once you are single, you need to understand that in order to create, you must see and feel the end result without being to caught up in the details of how you got there. In this case it would be yourself with your True Love standing beside you and feeling totally in love and happy. This image, and feeling your inner knowing, is what you need to work on. That’s it, you need to create knowing that it is already done, by keeping the details open you are not limiting yourself and can create much more easily. The amount of time this takes is a small factor, you need to spend the time doing it, but do not spend time trying to figure out the details of how you will meet, it is not important. True Love is True Love, don’t let your preconceived ideas such as “I must meet my True Love through work, he must be tall, dark and handsome, he must have a high powered job”, that you learnt in this life, stop you from having and feeling eternal happiness. Your soul knows who your True Love is, you need to access your soul’s inner intelligence and ask your soul to communicate with and find your True Love.
You will find that special person and then, finally you can help create a life worth living to help all of humanity at this time. The more people that experience True Love the more truth and love is brought into this world. Planet Earth needs us to find our True Love, as this generates happy, healthy human beings, being in a True Love relationship heals your soul, which heals Planet Earth’s soul too.
I find that using your imagination and a Native American Medicine Wheel sets the stage for spending time sending love to yourself and your True Love. It is one way to prepare yourself and your True Love for your relationship. Why not spend 10 minutes a day visualising, or sitting in a real Medicine Wheel and calling to your Wolf to help you. In your imagination, invite your True Love and their Wolf into the medicine wheel, get the Wolves to play together. Doing this meditation daily is a great way to visualise your True Love and to be on the path to finding them. Also, remember that how you are feeling adds to your creation, finding your True Love is not serious or hard work, it is a loving and fun experience. Right? Why create a seriousness and a heaviness to the relationship before it has arrived?
As I have already mentioned, I use my imagination to create what I want to turn up in my life. If I want to be on TV I see myself on T.V. I don’t worry about “how” I am going to get on T.V. that part I leave to the unfolding beauty of life.
The reason I took so very long to actually find my True Love, was because when I was younger I didn’t actually understand that feeling upset that I didn’t have him was the best way to keep him away from me as I was creating this reality for myself. Yes, I admit it that when it came to relationships I did the poor me brigade, I searched my past lives for answers, but I never actually asked out right. “Can I have my True Love please? Silly me, I told you I can be a bit slow sometimes. It took me a while to realise it’s quite simple really. Just apply my creative techniques and then see, feel and create the end result - a relationship with my True Love.
When I did the Planet Earth reading in April 2008, she explained to me that she wanted the humans to find their true loves as this is what is missing in this world, so I started writing this book, and I started to get my life in order and begin the wonderful, and happily rather short, journey to finding and meeting my True Love.
Here is the story of how I created the right circumstances to call to my True Love. It is a personal story as you will see, but the most important part is to show you what I did, and how I used my imagination to find him, so you can use this way of creating to receive the ultimate gift of True Love. I ask that you go with the flow, if you want True Love then read on.
Samantha Britt Beaumont
Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles
Continue to Chapter Seven
We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.
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