True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 7

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 11 November 2022

Chapter 7 - Healing My Past Lives

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 7


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

Before I explain and impart my knowledge of Medicine Wheels I wish to share two of my past lives, as they are very unusual. Both have relevance to what I believe we are about to experience, yet again. Both past life experiences were accessed via my Medicine Wheel at the same time, a few months before my soul exchange. As I am practiced at past lives, I can switch and be in the body of the former self.

Earth Changes

In my imagination, I start to walk in nature to my special place in the forest to my Medicine Wheel. In my mind, I asked if I can enter my sacred Medicine Wheel to communicate with my Power Animals and access a past life. I received a strong, “Yes!” in my head.

As I waited, I saw a beautiful elegant man arrive. He was about 7 feet tall and dressed in a flowing cream robe. He had an air of beauty and grace. He asked me to accompany him, and to travel back in time.

In my imagination, I started to fly down a time line, holding hands with my former self. We magically travelled back thousands and thousands of years. When I felt like stopping, a door appeared, which I opened and we both entered into a different time.

Immediately, we see a set of buildings ahead of us, and we started to walk together down the main passage between the sandy-coloured buildings. It was a warm and pleasant climate. Everywhere we looked, people were talking in small groups. The thing that struck me the most was the air of calmness and happiness. Everyone looked well-dressed in immaculate cream-coloured clothes. Most of the conversations included much laughter and giggling. It was a happy place.

As I walked towards the last building, I noticed a young woman coming to meet us. I knew she was my wife, and we were very happy. When I entered my house, I remembered that we had many identical sons (

I was wondering if that place was actually Planet Earth. I think not. Everyone was so happy! Ha ha! I didn’t ask at the time.

I asked in my imagination to go forward in time to see when something significant happened. The next thing I know, I am in bed (as the 7 foot man) with my wife, and I am having a horrible dream about earthquakes and flooding. I see many people lying around not moving. I wake up and tell my wife, who refuses to understand my concerns.

I discover that this society creates everything by thoughts, including the weather and the crops. They are at their manifestation peak, all are being catered to, and there is no such thing as a problem, sadness, pain or suffering.

Over the following months, I experienced these visions more and more, and my whole being started to change. I even looked different, because every night I lived through the horror of a great danger coming to my family and people. What nightly terror!

My wife could not understand and asked me to stop telling her about the dreams. I went to the other men of the village and they all sent me love, but shook their heads. My reputation started to slide, and after what seemed like a long time, I was considered an oddity and rejected by my society. I started to experience great sadness, as I know that life was going to change but no one would listen. I decided to go into nature; I talked to the trees and they told me something big was going to happen, the birds and all the animals told me that this was so. They were moving to higher ground, all around me, and I knew the animals were leaving. I told the children to bring their families, to come to the caves, if the ground started to move. I headed to the caves to wait for the others.

I waited for days, and then I felt a shimmering in my body. I looked down. I noticed that I had begun to dissolve my physical body, and I became invisible. But, I was still standing in the cave. A massive noise started in the distance. I walked to the cave entrance and I saw small groups of women and children running quickly towards the caves, they ran straight past me (still invisible), and the noise and the earthquakes started to shake the entire planet. For three days and nights the noise continued, but we were all safe in the cave. On the third day I started to become visible right in front of everyone. My sons had made it to the safety of the cave, but my wife was never seen again. I was extremely upset and distressed with myself, because I felt I could have done more to save the men of the village.

I had seen enough and exited this past life. I journeyed back down the time line and re-entered my Medicine Wheel. This poor man’s loss was so great. Yet he had saved lives and life did go on, even though it had changed the climate and landscape dramatically.

Next, I heard my inner voice telling me that I had always chosen to reincarnate at times of great change and my mission, should I wish to remember it, is to go and clear my past life in Atlantis too.


Well, in my head I thought, “Atlantis, yuck!”

At that stage of my life, I can honestly say, I had neverread anything about Atlantis. If I heard the word, Atlantis, I thought it was a load of rubbish. I did not want to talk about it! That should have been a big clue! I was still in my Medicine Wheel and I decided to follow the advice to access my past life in Atlantis. I waited, and then I noticed this young woman with long reddish brown hair and a really cheeky look on her face. As she got nearer, I noticed she looked exactly as I look in this life. She ran up to the Medicine Wheel and started dancing for joy. What was going on?

I was asked to journey down the time line to the time of Atlantis and when it felt right, I stopped and walked through the door. I immediately became the person I was, my former self. I was being held by two strange looking men, my hands were tied behind my back and I was a prisoner. I was really struggling with these men because I wanted to really annoy them. I did not feel scared at all, I was elated.

People had listened, was all I could think about. As I was about to be killed, I did not care. The exodus was already happening. The people were fleeing to the mountains and the caves and would survive the coming disaster.

You see, the race of beings that were in control in Atlantis had changed the balance in nature and the repercussions were huge. I had listened telepathically while being invisible at the secret meetings and had learned of their truly evil plans for the human race. I stood right in front of them, and they did not even know. They were so stupid!

The psychics were telling people the truth that the experiments had gone too far. They were dishonouring creation and a massive disastrous flood would cover Atlantis and most of the globe. Planet Earth 

(She is the boss, you know), has had enough and was going to clean this mess off Her surface in one almighty jump.

I had been caught and sentenced to physical death, and my soul would be put out of action, permanently, for supposedly spreading lies and treachery. But I knew they wouldn’t manage to get it right, they were so stupid! I was taken to a room with a very big crystal overhead, which they had commandeered, from the good Atlanteans!

All the crystals were inverted, they had been changed. I was bound to a large table. They used another crystal to slice up my body, much like cutting slices of ham. As it was done with a crystal, most of my soul was somehow captured. It was then stored within a small clay vase, and sealed with an incantation, not the good sort.

I was part of a group dedicated to stopping the bad guys. We nearly all got captured. I was one of the last to be found, as I could make myself completely invisible. I will definitely ask for that invisibilitiy skill back, it may come in very handy. I was so cheeky, I drove the evil power hungry beings completely nuts. I was very happy about that.

It had been previously agreed, in case of being captured, to give a small piece of hair (this carries some of your soul energy) to another member of our group who escaped. This guaranteed a safe passage out of this reality, when passing over to spirit. Hence, this was why I wasn’t concerned about being killed. I continued to have more future incarnations.

However, since most of my soul had been captured, I didn’t create many good lives. So, I saw my former Self die, it was a real mess, but the strange thing was, it felt fantastic. I asked why and was told that she was so happy to help rescue all the people of her tribe. She had remembered another life when she had only saved a handful. This time, the number would exceed 3,000. She was ecstatic, but she would not live to see this future. But she didn’t mind, because she knew she was more than her body. Also, most of her friends had been captured. She had helped by organising the humans to go to a safe place, to ensure the real human race survived, and that was all her soul contract required of her in this life. She knew she would come back, some time in the future.


I returned to the Medicine Wheel and saw this 7 foot man and this girl from Atlantis, who was my exact double, beaming with happiness. I looked first at this man, my former self, and I asked him into my Medicine Wheel to receive healing from me. And as he entered, a huge explosion of colourful light fell around us. I asked what I could do for the man. He asked to be healed of all the pain and suffering which he had experienced as a pioneer and a visionary, as all the visions of destruction still played heavily in his mind. I used healing energy and love and filled him with light and peace. He then vanished into the violet healing mist.

The girl from Atlantis asked for healing of the physical body. She asked me to go and find the clay vase that holds part of her Original Divine Soul, as it was time to go and free her soul. This was very important to her. I agreed.

I called to Great Spirit and was shown a small cave under an icy ocean. I dived in, and swam to what looked like temple gates. I easily glided through the gates, and entered the ancient scrolls room. At the back, in a small side door that leads to a hidden cave, I found 40 vases with seals placed on them. Ancient black magic was used to capture the whole group. It was to hold the souls so they could not go back home to the Divine to pass over information and experiences. Its purpose was to prevent them from warning others about what was really happening to the humans.

I magically asked, in my imagination, if I can save all the trapped souls in the vases, and I am told that I can. It is part of my group soul contract, that whoever gets out first, they can free the rest. I was obviously the first one out. I journeyed back with these precious souls in vases and brought them into the Medicine Wheel. Together, we asked Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Planet Earth and All Her Relations to break the evil seals. A great fire bolt hit the vases and smashed them, releasing all those precious souls.

As this happens, 40 beautiful souls of all colours float up above the Medicine Wheel. They hover for a split second and smile at me, and then these beautiful beings suddenly depart, all at once, and fly off in all directions. This is classed as a mass soul retrieval and 39 people on Planet Earth have had their souls returned to them. I had done it, at last, my Original Divine Soul had been freed and healed.

I was informed this was my Original Divine Soul. Original Divine Soul means a whole soul. Not shattered and scattered, as most souls are at this time. At last, I could heal my entire soul. I sent her back to the Divine into the violet healing mist. I use violet healing mist, because it protects and heals the emotions. I thanked all the Power animals, Planet Earth and All Her Relations. I finished the past life. I now know this past life healing was deeply connected with my soul exchange, which happened soon after.

The girl from Atlantis (my former self ) was free to go to the Divine, to continue her soul’s journey, which was to be my next incarnation. That’s why she looked just like me. I am a bit slow, sometimes. At the time, I thought it was just another wacky life. I have seen many, some are not of this world. We are so much more than what we can actually comprehend at this time.

My spiritual and life experiences have taught me that it is best to first work on healing yourself. Trust me. It is all about how you treat yourself. This is what really matters. Are you kind, loving and forgiving? Go and heal the entire journey of your soul. This is a way to heal your soul. It is my healing way. It starts with compassion for yourself and everyone who is here. Because, you co-create this world, by your thoughts, feelings and actions.

We are the creators. Remember it is up to all of us. Connect with your soul’s inner intelligence, heal your soul and learn to access
Universal Wisdom.

Create a life worth living.
Create a planet worth living on.
Create a universe worth living in.

Life is good for me. It can only get better in my imagina tion, as I know all things are possible. Do you?

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Continue to Chapter Eight

We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.

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