True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 5

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 28 October 2022

Chapter 5 - My Soul Exchange

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 5


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

In 2004, at the end of July, I was 37. I wanted to move somewhere in Nature. I was interested in knowing
where I would be going. At my home in London, I have a sacred Medicine Wheel made of large rose quartz crystals (representing Wolf and True Love) which I sit in.

However, in my imagination, I see my wolf and my lioness sitting with me in a very large and beautiful bright green forest, with large rose bushes of every colour, forming a circle, beside a pale turquoise waterfall. There are many tiny fairies singing and dancing around my violet flamed sacred fire in the centre. There are colourful, magical birds of paradise sitting in the trees. I visualize being there. I am there. This is my sacred universe. Welcome!

I asked for my future self in 5 years time to come to my Medicine Wheel to talk to me. Immediately, I see her arrive. She is striding towards me, smiling. It is summertime in 2009. She is 42, slightly tanned and wearing khaki-coloured shirt and shorts, mountain boots and has much longer hair.

I suddenly felt the huge difference in our energy fields. This future ‘me’ was glowing. I remember thinking, wondering, “What is she so happy about?” She gave me the nicest hug that I have ever had. She said that I needed to do a complete soul exchange on myself. Excuse me? What is that?

She told me to stick with the Medicine Wheel and that I would write a book and find my True Love. Oh?

I asked her, “What is this book about?” She replied, “All the things you have never told a living soul about... Your spiritual secrets!”

I thought, “What is she talking about?” I did not have a clue, but I promised I would write my book. I would also invent my own past life healing therapy for the soul and help others find their True Love as this was my destiny. She left, really laughing at me. She seemed slightly different to me. I was quite curious. I knew something was going on, yet, I just could not quite put my finger on it. I had even stopped working in healing.

I certainly could not consider myself a trained Past Life Therapist. When I was 26, I approached a highly-recommended college for past life healing. I could already view anyone’s past lives, but I wanted to actually take people to experience their past lives. On the first day, the head teacher turned up to give all the new students an attunement to Eagle’s Breath. This gives one the ability to take one’s clients to different times, in effect, to time travel.

So, five minutes into the class and we were all asked, “Who is happy?” Well, my hand shot right up in the air. I am always happy. Big mistake! The head of college went bananas scolding me! I was happy, to me, life is in the moment, I had answered truthfully. I thought, do not start laughing at her. I just sat in a gold bubble and tried not to giggle. I never figured out why I was scolded.

All the other students took great offence on my behalf. They were complete strangers to me, but lovely. They were all saying they would quit the course. I told them that it was fine. I realized this woman could not teach me and I was not going to complete the course. I got the attunement to Eagle’s Breath that afternoon, paid the fee and never went back. A Shamanic friend was able to help me, because she had completed the training course the previous year. I just never received the other certificates.

My soul was my teacher, if I wanted to know something, I asked my soul’s inner intelligence. So, by the age of 37, i did not have a clue about what I was suppose to write about. I simply communicated with Planet Earth, very old trees, Power Animals and all of Nature.

No more messages received from someone’s long lost great grandmother in spirit. Those days were well and truly over. Thank goodness! Honestly, some people’s great grandmothers were so rude! They were always telling me off! I will explain why.

The Victorians were, and are a complete nightmare, because I did not conform to their idea of what women should wear. I liked wearing denim jeans. Sorry! Am I being rude about that ridiculous Victorian black dress you are wearing? No, I would not dream of it. I was like, “Get over yourself! Do you want to help your great granddaughter, or what?”

I use to smoke as well, and this seemed to really annoy them. I just laughed at them. Was I judging them? I now realise that they were all stuck in the holding bay of Fake Reincarnation. You see, before any reading, I would give the client’s spirit relatives/ancestors a quick invite to my place. I usually gave them at least three days notice.

Therefore, I always had information ready and waiting. No wonder so many relatives turned up. What I was actually doing was getting them out of the spiritual prison that they had constructed for themselves, via religion, emotional programming or materialism. The holding bay of Fake Reincarnation.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was actually offering free weekend mini breaks. How funny is that! No wonder they never wanted to leave my house.

I was very interested in what my future self had told me, but I was not really any wiser about what I should write in my book. I wanted to understand more about this soul therapy, but no more information was made available to me. I was only told I had to wait. Therefore, I waited, and then promptly forgot all about it.

What Have I Done Now?

Out of the blue, in late May of 2005, I started receiving strong images in my head of being removed from my house in a black body bag! My soul’s inner intelligence started asking me to do a complete soul exchange healing. What’s that? I was also told that it had to be that night!

Please realise, this is simultaneously happening while I make lunch for my 6 year old daughter, Lhasa. I asked in my head why I was being shown my own death. I tried to centre myself and to stop the images flooding in. As you can appreciate, when I get a message and vision that I am going to die, or anyone else for that matter, I take it very seriously. I wanted to stop seeing myself dead in a black body bag. In the end it unnerved me. Therefore I addressed and requested that whoever was putting these images in my head to stop it immediately. It was beginning to concern me. Therefore, I said telepathically, “You are beginning to scare me.”

I can honestly say I have not been scared by any spiritual being for many years. I understood all types of energy fields, good and evil - ‘evil’ is just ‘live’ spelt backwards, and backwards is how we need to categorize these entities, they are living in the wrong way. They have made challenging choices, and in the long run, they need your love. They are not to be judged by you or anyone. I just treat them all the same now. They are love, however misguided in their present state, they came from love and wish to return to love, they are just a little bit lost at the moment.

 Over the years, whenever I viewed a past life for others, or myself, some ruffians would turn up, sometimes looking and smelling horrible. I just gave them love and time and whatever they felt they needed. We would have a chat, then, if necessary travel back in time. Seriously, they loved it. All this happens in my own imagination. Past or future time travelling is, for me, the best way to sort out a current 54

problem for my friends. It is always fascinating.

However, this vision of my body being carried out in a black body bag, like in some American movie, was constantly being projected into my head, and it really freaked me out. Then, I was being told by a very familiar and loving voice (my inner voice) that I have to leave tonight. I asked what that meant, ‘leave tonight’. The voice said, “See it as a complete soul healing session, and just make sure you release your whole soul.”

I was thinking to myself, “Right! I am being told to completely leave my body?” Now, that’s a new one!

I am then told that a 12th dimensional being (what is that?) will enter my body, as the 12th dimensional being was on assignment to experience the feelings of being human in the year 2005. This could only be achieved by dwelling inside a current human. The 12th dimensional being was on a fact-finding mission.

Oh! I think, well it probably serves me right as I had been asking for the Divine Truth to be revealed to me. I had recently done two past lives which were very unusual and all about Earth Changes (included in Chapter Seven). Something was about to happen, I just didn’t know what!

I was starting to see visions that showed my house in London, collapsing all around me. My favourite tree in my local park kept showing me water above my head! This could be explained as an emotional crisis or a physical crisis. It kept telling me to leave London and leave the UK.

This is why I started to communicate with Planet Earth, I was curious to find out what was going to happen. I had been told long ago that many physical and climatic changes would dramatically change this beautiful planet. I was much older now. Remember, we are the creators of our lives. I was kind of demanding answers from the universe.

I was half laughing when it was mentioned that the 12th dimensional being would be able to keep my physical body alive while I left and passed to spirit. If this Being was going to keep my body alive, I asked, “Can I come back then, or is that it?”I heard a lot of laughter. I was serious, why was there laughter?

I may have thousands of hours of experience communicating with spiritual beings, but I tell you, all spirit beings stand a good 10 feet from me, just outside my sacred Medicine Wheel! I like my own space. Nothing is ever allowed to enter my Medicine Wheel unless invited, let alone enter my body. This was a serious challenge to my normal rules of spiritual engagement.

I was now directly communicating with the 12th dimensional being. It was waiting to enter my body. This was a lot to take in, literally! The being told me that I needed help with the complete soul exchange. I required 12th dimensional energy to create an energy field to allow my present soul to leave, so I can have my next incarnation or put another way my original divine soul.

Unbelievably, I had actually achieved the near impossible. I had worn out and given a lot of my soul energy away, a little at a time, to help heal people. I actually was not aware I had done that. I was told it was all in Divine Order. I had fully realised why I had manifested many problems to make sure I had to stop working as a healer and a teacher. I had made it my career to stand up in public and talk about invisible energy! The hardest job in the world, and I had found it. I mean, you couldn’t even see what I was talking about?

Yes, you could feel it, if I placed my hands near you or on your body, the heat was extremely noticeable. It was complete proof, to anyone who did not believe in healing energy. Some people said it felt like I was ironing them! Nevertheless, it was absolute and total agony for me. I was completely and utterly terrified of speaking in public. I could not stand being in the spotlight. I am an extremely shy person in physical reality.

I had learned how to do amazing healing, using my imagination. To cure all ills. I felt it was my personal responsibility to inform people that we can heal everything. What a big ego!

Somehow, I had also made it my career to spend many years lecturing to complete strangers from different national associations, like nursing, teaching and the Metropolitan Police, to get healing incorporated into their training schedules. Also, I had approached cancer and AIDS societies, along with many other associations for the terminally ill.

Every time someone rang to ask me to do a free lecture my outer voice said “Yes, of course. When?”, But my soul’s inner intelligence was shouting “No! No! No!”. If it had included “or you will die”, I might have listened.


When I was 25, I volunteered to set up the first complementary clinic for Alternative Health in a hospital in the United Kingdom. Within three months, I was recruiting voluntary staff. We were massaging and administering Shiatsu and Tibetan hands-on healing to everybody. I was even given a wing of the hospital to expand the clinic.

The only complaint from the hospital’s medical staff, doctors and surgeons was that everyone smelled of lavender (we used lavender oil). I also massaged the Ward Matrons and all the nursing staff, radiologists, administrators, ambulance staff, the canteen staff, and the security guards. This made a very positive and powerful energetic difference to the entire hospital. I had student nurses thanking me for ‘making’ the matrons less stressed out. The wards were transformed to gentle, enjoyable places to work.

Everyone was attending my clinic, but personally, I wanted to get my hands on the sick children and babies! However, for insurance reasons, I was only allowed if I was invited by the parents. So I used to hang around the children’s intensive care unit after my shifts. I did eventually start healing the sick children. The hospital had a great vibe. People were walking around smiling. I had created heaven on Earth. It expanded to more therapists joining acupuncturists and reflexology therapists.

With this experience, starting at age 27, I consulted and lectured for many years with top management at the British Nursing Association of Great Britain. I spoke about including Tibetan hands-on healing techniques in basic nurse training. It was very seriously considered. However, management kept changing, and even though I lectured constantly for three years, it did not get the go ahead.

When I was 33, I trained and taught healing to the top occupational therapist who worked with the police teams that dealt with the worst possible of children crimes. Every single police officer was demanding more healing, as it was really helping them release all the horrible images and cases that they had to deal with. They were starting to feel human again.

One therapist had the police officers living in her office, as I taught her how to construct a powerful healing space, all of them had wanted to sit in her office to absorb the healing energy. They were getting on her nerves. She could not get in and out of her own office. They would line up outside her office before their shifts had even started. However, did the full program get the go ahead? Of course not!

Therefore, at 37, I approached the education authorities, and I trained 26 teachers at one local primary school to see if it would make a difference to the teachers and the student body. It did. However, I did not get the official permission to expand into other primary schools in the local area.

Through-out my long healing career, I could tell you about the HIV clients and the amazing little miracles, like completely reversing the AIDS virus many times. I had the doctors own actual medical proof, but no one wanted to know. I did this, healing the un-healable, many times, without collecting any money. I was collecting medical evidence.

I once helped a young 16 year old female hockey player heal her entire leg. Everyone was so serious, which makes the situation serious. She was scheduled for a complete amputation. A nurse who knew that I had excellent results with cancer invited me as a last resort. I turned up and found it funny! I asked, “Really? You want to be one legged? But you’re so pretty!” I made her laugh away her tumour. She shrunk the tumour within days. She kept her leg. She saw the funny side to what she was creating. Used this way, silliness and laughter heals everything.

This is how I healed the majority of my clients over the years. I would use imaginary blow torches to burn out cancer, or golden axes to cut off a complete breast, if they had breast cancer. I would throw the body part up to Great Spirit, and wait for a new one to come down. Then I would stick, sew or super glue it back on, in complete hysterics, in my imagination. Usually without the client realising, as they were being all serious. Not a good idea. If you think in a serious way you have serious problems to contend with. Remember what you think, feel and say creates all your life experiences. There is even a disease associated with sickle cell, which makes the skin colour lose its pigmentation. Black skin goes white. I had an African client who had white patches all over his chest. I use to give him hands-on healing. The skin reverted back permanently to the original colour. A bit like painting with numbers, we both found it fascinating. How amazing is that?

Did any doctors find it as amazing as my client and I? Of course not.

No, not one association was ever interested in what healing could be done. I contacted nearly all of them. They uniformly turned a blind eye to what I was doing. Rather strange.

 Because I suffered terribly from stage fright, the only way I could manage to deliver my many free lectures to the different associations was to tell myself that it was not about what I was feeling and experiencing. Which was a feeling that I was terrified and just wanted to die. Interesting! I discovered very recently, I had been killed for speaking up against the known ways of doing things in a past life.

I did find it funny though. All my friends knew I hated speaking in public, yet I would find myself yet again, on some huge stage, like Brighton Civic Centre, with 300 faces staring straight at me, including people like David Icke (a true hero of mine) actually listening to me!

I realised I can manifest anything in my imagination. If I wanted to be in British Vogue, they would contact me, immediately. I could get into any magazine or newspaper I wanted. I just used my imagination and saw myself being interviewed in different editorials.

The Sunday Times, ‘Style Magazine’, wrote an article, and nearly 3000 people actually took the time to ring me up. Now that was exhausting! Alternatively, on live TV, ‘This Morning’ television show with Richard Madely and Judy Finigan, with millions of people watching at one time. It was getting thoroughly ridiculous!

Did it change this world? Not really. I began to realise that this world is not to be healed. This rat race cannot be healed. You cannot heal the system, you have to encourage and inform the people running the system to heal themselves. The system needs to be changed dramatically. I really tried, but nope, it is not supposed to be. I realised that there is no work to be done. Just heal yourself, and listen to your soul’s inner intelligence, that’s your work.

I really should have listened to my soul’s inner intelligence when it came to my career, as it always knew that I was wasting my time. I think that is what my soul had to learn. I now understood that my soul had most definitely worn herself out. I had completed this soul’s contract, it was time to go. I had been waiting on some level. I had been preparing myself.

I am then informed, by the 12th dimensional being that I will be able to have my next incarnation after at least three days. My present soul needed time to pass over. I was actually told, “You have to go home to get all of your original divine soul.” This is known as a complete soul retrieval.

Okay, so Planet Earth is not my home? How interesting is that! Now that, folks, is proof we humans are alien to this planet, or at least that I am.

I was also told during the soul exchange that I would be given ancient Spiritual knowledge, that would lead to knowing the ultimate secrets of the future of the Human beings.

Well, I was not going to refuse this offer! Would you? It sounded rather exciting! I was also told that in my next incarnation, I would be extremely happy and very lucky. Personally, luck is self-made in my opinion. I had alway considered myself a happy and a lucky soul, so I was interested to know just how much happier one could actually get. I was lovingly told to leave my body and that it was for the best. I felt scared, as I knew I would be leaving this world and this reality.

What if anything went wrong? What if this 12th dimensional being changed its mind and left tomorrow? What

would happen to me? Would I be left somewhere floating in space?

I am just kidding. I really thought that this sounded just about crazy enough to work! It had Samantha stamped all over it!

Whatever happens to me, I always find it funny at some point in time. This is how one heals oneself. Laughter is a true expression of self-love. We can fill this world with laughter and love. We NEED to fill this world with laughter and love. We need to heal humanity and look after the resources of this beautiful all giving Planet Earth.

I was again informed by the 12th dimensional being, that I have a destiny to experience ultimate love, True Love. While I waited for my True Love, I got really bored, so I went to see if I could heal this world all by myself.

The problem with me, as with most people, is that I needed to learn to really listen to my soul’s inner intelligence when it came to myself. However, I was very good at selective hearing, far too busy helping everybody else. It was time to get rid of my very big ego. That was my final lesson. Heal thyself, silly!

I am fully aware that I am the creator of my Universe. Remember, I had called in my future self, and at age 42, I looked and felt extremely happy. Therefore, I knew this experience would end well for me. I had definitely invited a 12th dimensional being to come and assist me. Nevertheless, I had created this fascinating healing all by myself. I was going to heal myself, yet again. It just included my death and rebirth on an actual physical level. That was all! This time at age 38, it was arranged. Last time it happened spontaneously at age 19.

I got into my bed. I needed to lay down for this! I also knew that unless I believed 100 per cent and actually left my body, it would not happen. The soul exchange began, and a huge ball of energy ran up and down within my body three times. It was so strong, like a jet plane taking off, it actually made me laugh. Then, I was literally catapulted out through my stomach, of all places! Everything became very bright, like strong sunlight. I believe I went right through the sun! My entire being flew through deep space, passing many stars and planets. I was flying towards a huge beautiful blue planet, much like Planet Earth, from afar. Then, I fell asleep.

For the next few days, I could see two versions of reality. I was, somehow, half out there in the universe. I could see stars and planets for days, and it took time to get to my destination, my original home.

I travelled across the universe, and I went to learn about the ultimate goal of each human. It was explained to me that each one of us will, at some stage in our future, be given the opportunity to create our own entire Universe. Wow! It felt amazing, and it was a deeply beautiful spiritual experience, contemplating what sort of animals and planet life I wanted. I was allowed to choose. To be honest, it also felt very daunting. I asked, “Is it going to be just me, residing over a whole universe? Or can I have some friends?” The answer I got was,

“You can create and have whatever you like.” I thought, “What if I mess it all up?” I was told, “Shhh... Stop worrying.” I laughed!

It is a Shamanic practice to dwell in two worlds, but this was not for a mere two hour session. No, I stayed like this for nearly seven days. I could feel this 12th dimensional being’s energy field. It was rather bossy and reorganized my whole house! It was funny. It threw away most of my possessions. De-cluttering my life, now that was really going too far! It seemed very interested in me. I think I was considered a ‘model of a happy human being’.

I felt very peaceful and centred the entire time. Due to my training as a spirit communicator, I started asking questions and got amazing answers.

I was told the following, “We are all Creator Gods, nearly 7 billion of us, and most of the human race does not know this yet!” Just imagine all that enormous wasted creative potential! Running around worrying about paying heating bills! Really! How silly are we?

“I am God, you are God, if that is the word you

wish to use. I insult myself and you, if I think that

God is separate from me or better; this is false. The

secret to creating is to stop thinking or worrying

about all the terrible problems and events that

could, or might happen, and start creating, in

your imagination, what you wish to experience

and see created in this world. The human being

is an exquisite multi-dimensional magical being,

and needs to learn how to be magical again. The

magic is buried deep within the soul. Go back

to the soul. Go back to the Magic. Be the magic.

Use it to create a peaceful and loving world for

humanity. It is time for love. Go back to love.”

You see, at this moment in time, many humans are losing their ability to communicate with their own souls, and to find the magic within. The human being has been operating from approximately 10% of its full potential. We can reactivate the other 90%. We can be the magic within. I now understand the 12th dimensional being was my future self. We are all really 12th dimensional beings, stuck in the 3rd dimensional reality limited physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

We must acknowledge and understand that we can choose to be magical 12th dimensional beings right now. We can choose to create our own universe, right here, right now. This is important. I chose to be a 12th dimensional being, a magical universal human being.

We can start by healing our souls’ crimes against others and become love again. We need to create a very powerful energetic and magical group of humans, to help the entire world change swiftly from being limited, to limitlessness. As a healer, I was able to prove repeatedly that anyone can be healed if one wants to be healed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, always.

Therefore, it is time for you to decide. What type of future do you want for yourself, your family, your friends, Planet Earth and All Her Relations? Both require lots of love. Create your future now! Heal yourself. Realize it is never too late to start to love yourself again. Are you willing to use your love and creativity to help heal this world?

Do not be asleep, not now. You will miss all the fun! It is time to wake up and to get ready for the party. Who will you be going with? Got anything better to do, than to heal your soul, find your True Love, and help heal this magnificent Planet Earth and All Her Relations?

I bet you don’t. Do you?

To get an invitation to the party all you need is to know, to forgive and to love who you have really been, and to know, to forgive and to love who you really are. It is that simple. Really!

So, late in the afternoon, of June 2nd, 2005, I felt a massive thud within my body. It felt like I had just jumped back in my body again. Yep, it felt just like the last time, at age 19. Note to self: I must remember not to give away or wear out this soul this time.

That was more than three years ago. Am I different? Well, my constant desire to fix everyone’s problems has vanished. Phew! I now work in my imagination on myself, Planet Earth and All Her Relations in the Medicine Wheel. I just create Medicine Wheels in as many places as possible all over this world.

Why do I make Medicine Wheels? Since I plan on staying here on this planet for quite some time, it is a powerful way to send magical love and healing to the immediate environment. You can do all this healing on your soul, just in your imagination. You may start to feel marvellous, but when you open your eyes and see you are standing in the middle of a huge toxic rubbish dump, how much fun is that?

Medicine Wheels are an expression of love for Planet Earth and All Her Relations. Together is best – Humanity and the natural world combined.

It has been a strange experience to stop helping people, as I always had. So when people rang up saying so and so has cancer, I thought, “How silly is she?” My ability to hide my sense of humour wasn’t there any more. I just could not stop laughing at people and their problems. I had to stop picking up the phone for a while. Who wants some lad laughing at what you have created, when one is terrified of dying of cancer!

I make them a mini Medicine Wheel now, and to date, they are all fine. I just do not get intensively involved anymore. I could not relate to their inner terror anymore. I realised I had none.

I have seen my future for myself. Do you know your future? Do you have one? Do you need to create a better one? Are you happy? What are you creating around you now? Do you know what you will be creating around you in say, 2 years’ time?

Planet Earth needs us to find our one and only True Love – to be in love, to create and to make love. By truly loving ourselves, we are able to love others. With this love we can create a loving world as it is being created by loving people. Simple. You have a duty of finding that special love for yourself. To release this special energy into this world. How else does love become part of life. We humans create all of this world. We are much more tolerant of everything and everyone, when we feel loved.

So, spread your love around. Link your soul with Planet Earth and All Her Relations. Learn to use a Medicine Wheel and communicate with the Power Animals and have fun in your imagination. It will help you to get to know your soul’s inner intelligence. It will tell you these beautiful words, “Hurry up, your True Love is waiting.”

I can show you how to use the Native American Medicine Wheel and the Power Animals to find your True Love. I promise it is really easy, even a child could do it. You can be an unconscious creator and carry on unwittingly supporting systems that ultimatly destroy the human soul or a conscious all-powerful creator who is able to create the life you desire and help others to create by your example and become love again.

You decide. I know what I would rather be. If you need answers to your questions, learn to seek the answers from within because you are love. Love is the only real energy that will create the solutions.

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Continue to Chapter Six

We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.

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