True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 1

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 30 September 2022

Chapter 1 - Why I wrote this book

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 1


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

The summer breeze blows through my hair

And from a tree drops a single pear
And there it sits, all alone
And from the tree comes a woeful groan
As it drops another luscious treat
The two pears finally meet

by my daughter, Lhasa, age 9

True Love for yourself will help you to find a True Love. Many souls are calling for True Love, calling to each other ...

Throughout my adult life, when I went near anyone with the slightest psychic ability to see into the future, I was always asked, “Where is your book? Why have you not written it?”

Over the years, it became a bit of a joke. Would I ever write this book? It is as if the Spirit world was encouraging me to share what I know. To help others to create the life they desire by using a Native American Medicine Wheel and their imagination. Then, they can be their own past, present and future life therapist, accelerating their individual soul’s healing processes by accessing their inner voice or the soul’s inner intelligence, a connection to Universal Wisdom, to know the answers to all their questions.

The time for going to psychics is over. We need to find our own way to self-activate universal wisdom, by remembering and acknowledging, that we are magical universal human beings. This means honouring and healing the entire journey of our soul’s past. Ask your soul’s inner intelligence, that is connected to all living things, to help you find your power within.This power within, this magical love, to create a good life, shows up in your life when you really love yourself. To really love yourself, you have to know who you really are. To know who you really are, you have to acknowledge and heal the entire journey of your soul. Go back to your soul. Go back to 'True Love' for yourself.

This True Love for yourself will help you to find a True Love. Many souls are calling for True Love, calling to each other, as these relationships can create a special magical love. Magic and True Love are urgently required to help create a good future and heal humanity and Planet Earth.

I have been a Spirit Communicator and Shamanic Healer for over 25 years, and now wish to share my way of healing for your soul. I intend to show how to activate the magic that has been buried deep within all of us to access and heal all our past and future lives, to steer this Planet Earth and All Her Relations, which means every living thing, including the human race, into the best possible future.

I have learned from my own soul’s inner intelligence, which I understand to mean that all of my past lives, including this one, have something in common. The same soul has journeyed throughout time repeatedly. This statement may not resonate with you if you do not believe you have lived before. However, this hurdle, once surmounted, expands your mind instantly.

One of the most spiritually enlightening facts to discover is that you have lived here before, at least once. I have never met a completely novice soul, and I am sure there are a few, but the majority of the human race has been here many times before.

The Hindu astrologers believe all of us have had at least 1,000 lives. Wow! If we have stored all these separate life experiences within our being, are you not a little curious to find out what you’ve experienced in those past lives?

You may have had 1,000 fathers, mothers, sisters, children, friends and lovers. Is all that life experience and knowledge lost, forever? Can you get it back? I asked my self the same questions. “Can all of my past life experiences, memories, lost knowledge and skills be returned to me? Is it possible to be all my past lives at the same time? Is there a way to access this self-knowledge, to become a magical universal human being?”

I discovered that my past lives included living as a:

Farmer, Witch-doctor, Teacher, Baker, Tai-chi master, Pirate, Sailor, Horse whisperer, Slave master, Barmaid, Fisherman, Herbalist, American Indian, Shiatsu doctor, Caveman, Monk, Blacksmith, Exotic belly dance,  Healer, Hunter, Highwayman, Midwife, Write, Knight of Templar, Nun, Samurai warrior, Soldier, Priest, Landowner and Pilot.

Imagine being able to meet and greet all your former selves from your past lives. What wisdom and knowledge would you be able to rediscover? What skills would instantly be re-remembered and available to use again? Your ancient wisdom is waiting. Are you interested in discovering who you have been in your past lives?

I have personally investigated about 50 of my past lives in the last 20 years. Significant healing occurred, whether I used hypnotherapy or my own imagination in a sacred Native American Medicine Wheel. I currently use only my imagination to view the life, without actually feeling it. I will explain.

Usually, a past life therapist is trained in advanced clinical hypnotherapy. The therapist begins by inducing you into a deep relaxed state, so you can access your subconscious memory and feel the actual experience of being in another body, in another time. You actually step into the body of your former self (who you were in the past life) and feel the complete experience on both physical and emotional levels.

As it can be deeply traumatic, most people tend to do one life and stop at that. This just bogs you down into one other life. It is a slow recovery process as each life can take six weeks to integrate into your conscious mind.

I have been able to experience this technique to access twenty past lives. Personally, I am fine with this technique, I love going to other times and investigating. Where do I live?

What do I do for a living? How do I feel about life, and what my lovers and friends are like? Even small things like what the local currency looks like, or what kind of food people are eating. In essence, it is a live history lesson, experienced in the present moment.

It is very fascinating, even though I was once being eaten alive by rats in the Great Fire of London! I left that life very quickly! Or others, where I was constantly being left by fellow companions on different battlefields across Europe to die horrible, slow and painful deaths.

The funniest life I accessed was when I entered the body of a former self that was in the early stages of being beaten to death by a group of enraged villagers! I was laughing and yelling at them to stop hitting me! They did actually stop to listen for 5 minutes. I explained I was a future self, and tried to take the opportunity to apologise for whatever I had done to warrant such abuse. However, I was strongly advised by the group of villagers to leave, as they were waiting to carry on beating me to death! You see, you cannot avoid or fully change your history, but you can heal it. Can you understand why I thought there must be a better way of dealing with past life therapy?

Over the years, I have been able to teach others to imagine a beautiful Native American Medicine Wheel, creating a sacred place to help retrieve personal information about their past, present and future lives. It works best to imagine inviting, into your sacred Medicine Wheel, the spirit form of every man, woman or child you were in your past lives. It is a very gentle process, they have a soul connection to you. It allows a certain level of detachment, as we are dealing with your former self. We can also accompany this former self if necessary, and travel backwards in time to view the past life, not experience it. This method provides the same information in a quicker process with more objectivity, helping tremendously, as you will find out, if you wish to use my technique. By taking personal responsibility and healing your past lives (former selves), you can make a powerful and positive impact in your present life.

It is not a question of needing to access lots of individual past lives. It is more about opening up your mind. A couple of past life sessions are encouraged to help easily reconnect you to your soul’s inner intelligence.

I have created mass past life healing, where all your former selves are invited at the same time for healing. Once processed, you will be able to access universal wisdom, to answer your own questions and become a magical universal human being again.

This is how you find out who you really are, by finding out who you have really been, and to acknowledge your entire journey through many different past lives, discovering your true self. It is an incredibly powerful Shamanic self-healing tool. But what is shamanism?

Shamanism is an ancient way of awareness, an awareness of the life force energy, an awareness of your soul or your consciousness. It is a term used to describe the practices of indigenous people from all over the world. They were, and are, the healers within the community, known as the Shamans, the Witch Doctors, the Spiritual Elders, also known generally as the Medicine People.

These medicine people are in tune with Planet Earth and Shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the Spirit world. A practitioner of shamanism is known as a shaman. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world. Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living. Shamanism requires individualised knowledge and special abilities. Shamans operate outside established religions, and traditionally, they operate alone.

All Her Relations. They know how to touch the soul is everything in order to keep a healthy balance within each individual, within the community and therefore, within their world. For these medicine people, there is no separation between daily life and Spirit, as they know that all things are connected, and that dis-connection equals dis-ease. Although our modern life styles seem very far removed from the experience of indigenous peoples, the needs and expressions of the human soul are still the same in their desire to connect with love and creativity for each other, their community and their world.

For the Shaman, everything is alive and carries information. In order to communicate with the spirit, soul or consciousness of these former selves, you will shift your own state of awareness by creating a personal sacred space in a Native American Medicine Wheel, in your imagination, in your home, or somewhere in nature to allow Great Spirit and the Power Animal spirit guides to help heal you. This Shamanic practice is characterised by the soul’s flight. You make a gentle shift of consciousness, which allows the free part of your soul to leave the body. You can then go backwards (former self) or forwards (future self ) in time via the Medicine Wheel, to retrieve information for powerful self-healing and personal growth.

First, you will heal your past lives (former selves) and if necessary, you will retrieve lost parts of your soul, your healing power or things that you have lost along the entire journey of your soul. Then, as you travel forward in time, you will observe and help your future self to create the life you desire, creating a life worth living. I used past life therapy for many years on myself to help with a problem. For example at 21, I wanted to know why I could not make a good income. I asked to access the life that has blocked my ability to earn money at this time. Half an hour later, I was sitting in my living room laughing, realising that I was a very mean and wealthy landowner, who never paid his workers. Because I had committed negative actions in a past life with regard to money, money was withheld from me in this life.

Over the years, I realised that every single past life I accessed was really awful. My past lives involved great hardship, war, starvation, illness, emotional trauma, and heart ache. Severe volcanic eruptions, even floods and major earthquakes also featured regularly. I noticed that I was usually dead and buried by the age of 25.

However, accessing and healing a past life always seemed to solve the present problem. But constantly discovering that I had terrible times in my past lives made me wonder, if I was destined yet again to have a terrible life, or could I change it. Can we really make a difference?

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Continue to Chapter Two

We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.

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