True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 2

Samantha Britt Beaumont • 7 October 2022

Chapter 2 - Why Are My Past Lives So Awful?

True Love by Samantha Britt Beaumont Chapter 2


A Shamanic Healing for the Soul

First Edition: by Samantha Britt Beaumont in 2008
Second Edition: Copyright © 2009, by Samantha Britt Williams
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-4452-0534-2

I decided to go back in time and directly access the last happy life I had experienced.

Oh my God, do you know how far back in time I needed to travel to find a ‘happy life’? Would you believe about 14,000 years? I was running around in a colourful belly-dancing outfit back then, and was living in an enclosed city compound, somewhere in the Middle East. We were, as a people, very well educated and peaceful. However, lets just say, I noticed that I had a very low IQ. It was a little disturbing, actually. I thought this is the last happy life I have had on Planet Earth. Something is up with that!

Luckily, I found it very funny. A sense of humour is necessary when dealing with past lives. Make sure, if you are too serious about yourself, to access the past life where you lost your sense of humour. Your sense of humour is actually the ability to love yourself. This ability to love yourself is essential for healing your soul.

I firmly believe that we can learn to love ourselves and everybody else who is here on Planet Earth at this time. How do we love the wicked tyrants and murderers? I have contemplated this. When you have accessed fifty individual past lives, you realize that you, too, have been a wicked tyrant and a murderer in another time. If you do not go around being a wicked tyrant and murderer now, it is be cause you have learnt on a soul level that what you do to others will, and does, come back to you.

We can find compassion for these souls, and not send out anger and hatred towards them. Imagine you killed someone in a fit of anger. It was an accident. It was not your intention. The local TV news station does a story, and millions watch and judge your accident as a blatant act of evil. Imagine how much misguided anger and hatred is projected out from the public towards your soul, who for your own reasons choose to experience taking a life. If you had killed someone five thousand years ago, maybe only a few hundred people would have heard about it and judged you (
sent anger towards you).

I have compassion for all human beings. It is because I know what I have done in my past lives. Would I kill another today? No, under no circumstances would I hurt another! I can assure you that this soul has gained experience by learning about it’s past lives. Everybody makes mistakes and all mistakes can and need to be forgiven. If you stop judging others, you will find love and compassion for all people. Then love and compassion will find you.

Did you know that everything that you think, say and feel adds energy to this world? What are you thinking, saying and feeling? What are you personally adding to the world at this time? What are you currently creating? Oddly enough, loving yourself doesn’t mean what you might think. You can tell yourself that you are really good at singing, making a living, or that you have a nice car. But this is just scratching the surface and doesn’t last long. It is a waste of your time, to be honest. Looking within is where the answers are waiting to be found.

To really love yourself again, means to forgive yourself. Why do you have to forgive yourself? Because, just by being on Planet Earth at this time means that you are experiencing pain and suffering, and on some level, you are a victim. This is a place of victim mentaility, so you have to have victim stamped all over your being to be born into this reality in the first place. Own it, change it, heal it and let it go. This is also the only place in the universe where you can heal your soul, this means you have the ability to change yourself from victim to magical universal human being. How many people actually know this? Just take a good look around. Have you seen any happy vibrant people recently? We are walking around as deeply traumatized human beings.

Only some remote indigenous tribes are full of joy. Their culture from birth works in harmony with Nature. They use prayers, songs and dancing ceremonies to stay in touch with their souls’ connection to Planet Earth. By staying in touch with the natural world, they remain natural and their souls receive love. They have the tools to create a loving happy existence.

I was very interested in understanding why all my past lives were so awful. I have been a natural psychic all my life, since a small child. I could see what others could not see. People say there is a veil between spirit and us. I was born without the veil. I was born with my sixth sense fully activated – known as extra sensory perception. (

(1) Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the apparent ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. The term was coined by Duke University researcher J.B.Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance.

If I stand beside you, or if in my imagination I know your original name at birth and your date of birth, I can automatically receive accurate, personal details. With your per mission, I can access your soul’s inner intelligence, which, I understand to mean, your true self, your universal wisdom, all memories, past, present and your current potential future path.

If you are lying to me, I automatically access the truth. One woman tried to plead total poverty after I had spent the entire day training her in Tibetan hands-on healing. I said, “But, there is £4007 in your bank account.” The woman went white. I was correct. Her current bank statement had automatically appeared in my imagination. I have an ability that every human being can learn. It is part of our future, to be more psychic: hearing your soul’s inner intelligence, connecting to universal wisdom and knowing the answer to any question.

As a very young adult of 15, I chose to use my natural psychic abilities primarily for informing people about their future. Then at 24, I became interested in helping others with their health problems. I can naturally see into someone’s
body, and look at cancerous tumours, growths or medical complaints of any organ. I can tell people exact measurements of tumours. I am also able to tell people exactly wha their doctor is going to say at their next appointment.


In my imagination, I can view future test results, treatments–even what surgery procedures will be performed in the future. I once informed an intensive care doctor of a German drug he should try using on a seriously ill comatose child. I cannot speak German! I had to spell it out for the doctor, literally.

When clients receive their tests results, they tell me that I am exactly right about the size, shape, condition and or medical procedures they have been offered. This really helps people’s healing processes. If I know the present and future details together, I help the client to create the best future outcome. So, most can, and do, recover extremely quickly. As long as they take full responsibility for creating this illness, they can un-create it in their imagination. They can travel the path to health that I have seen. As we create our lives with what we are thinking, saying and feeling, staying positive is important to restoring one’s health.

I use my imagination to walk forward in time to see the future path and report back what I had seen. I have even worked with the British Police force, helping to discover what happened to two missing young women who were presumed dead. I am able to contact any willing soul, if they wish to communicate with me.

I have been able to astound people over the years. However, people tend to avoid me in the long run. On a personal level, it is hard to remain friends with someone who is able to inform you about what will happen in your future. If someone is talking about starting a new business, and while they are sharing their future plans, I am told by my soul’s inner intelligence that it is a complete waste of his or her time, what do I do? Do I tell them?

This is a natural ability. I can decipher the truth, just by listening. Especially, when they have actually asked their soul for the truth, I show up in their lives, give them the psychic information they seek, and most will still remain stuck, repeating the same old emotional drama. Why? Because, unless you learn to reconnect and receive your own advice from your own soul’s inner intelligence, the advice of another, however good they are, just does not hold for long.

People are pulled back into their negative self, the high from the information is just that, like a drug, where you need another fix, so you get another psychic reading. There is no inner shift because this is information that comes from outside of you. In order to grow spiritually, you need to get in touch with your own information, by learning to access your soul’s inner intelligence. This amazing gift of insight is available if you wish to learn, it is a natural ability of the soul.

I realised that some people are just not interested in acknowledging that everything they think, say and feel forms the basis for their lives. We ARE the creators of our lives, however disastrously we construct them. We must take the credit for everything we experience. Good or bad is just how we label our point of view at the time. You may have a small car crash, which is bad news and then discover that a serious car accident involving many cars happened the next day at the exact time and spot you passed every day. Nevertheless, you are on the bus unharmed, as a result of your car being in the garage for repairs.

You may try to call to my attention to all the abuse you have experienced at the hands of a violent parent, partner, sibling, school bully, work colleague or a string of global disasters created by the fake elite, consisting of all the world governments, multinational corporations, world banking, secret societies and their new world order plans. However, all these things dwell in you, the human being. What you need to realize is we all get to take turns playing the role of the good, the bad and the ugly. Do you know what role you are currently playing? More importantly, how many different roles have you played in this lifetime already?

What are you currently creating? This is important, because we are collectively creating this world that we are now living in. Whatever is happening here is due to the desires of the entire human race.

We are the guardians of this beautiful planet, but we have been asleep on the train. We are too busy judging and blaming everyone else for the problems in this world, and far too busy to actually correct our own behaviour. We must become aware and understand that we are unconsciously releasing lots of past trauma or energy, which is creating future horror for our world.

By acknowledging this blame game, we can learn how to look within and start to heal our entire individual soul’s journey. Listen to your soul’s inner intelligence, it knows what you have experienced in all your past lives. Your soul knows exactly what needs healing and how to heal it.

Will you miss your destination or should I say Destiny? We need to wake up and steer this beautiful planet to a more respectful relationship with her natural resources. Guess what? WE are a natural resource too.

You may ask why we are creating all these horrors? Human beings have been through many different planetary changes before. We carry this ancient trauma as part of the collective memory of the human soul.

It is the time and the place to discover, acknowledge and release all traumas from your soul. You brought this trauma with you to be healed. Whatever has happened to the human soul can be healed now. Are you destined to reach your full potential? Are you destined to be a loving, powerful co-creator with Planet Earth and All Her Relations?

Not as we are all doing now. We are destroying Her (Planet Earth) unwittingly by hating, misjudging and ultimately blaming others by refusing to take personal responsibility for the part we have most definitely played throughout time.

Inside your soul is a library of information on every life you have lived, and what you did in those lives. This includes your dark side, your shadow. You need to acknowl edge it. Healing (loving) your shadow self will give you great compassion and love for your fellow man, bringing back much needed love to the entire human race (the good, the bad and the ugly).

Acknowledge and honour the entire journey of your soul. Forgive and love your shadow, which can include all of humanity’s shadow. We can help our fellow humans in this healing process, together. Only when you love your shadow, can you release the fear to integrate your whole self to become love again.

Why do this? Because if we can go back in time, we can heal our past and shadow self, then we can as a loving and healed individual, go forward into our future creating a better world for ourselves and all of humanity.

The veil will be lifted soon in preparation for The Age of Aquarius or The Age of Humanity, so all the people of this planet will see what I can see. The natural ability, which all humans have, is to be able to communicate with the soul of every living thing in this entire universe, and to be able to access universal wisdom. These abilities can improve or change your future prospects, by directing your future with a positive and loving consciousness.

Practicing, future self communication allows you to master your life, to acquire the skills and experience to use this technique to push forward into your future, helping to co-create the best possible future for yourself, Planet Earth and All Her Relations.

Now, the best way to view the future, is by imagining calling in your future potential self in say, five years time. See another yourself striding up to the Medicine Wheel. This is called accessing your future potential self. Ask your future yourself, “Where am I living? What am I doing? Where are my personal relationships heading? Am I in the right relationship? Am I speaking my Truth? Am I creating my community? What am I doing with my life?” The magic is that, if you are not happy with the information you are receiving, and seeing in your imagination, you can change it. Because you still have the five years, you still have the time!

You can start with much shorter periods of time, if you wish, then you can begin to set and achieve your short term goals. Be your greatest potential future self now. You will achieve so much more if you stay positive and focused, then you will be ready to create your best possible future. To be part of the magic of life as we travel into The Age of Aquarius or The Age of Humanity, which I understand to mean living as equals in peaceful harmony with each other and all life on Planet Earth.

I am a true Aquarian. My astrological chart is proof, as I have many planets in Aquarius. We all can learn how to be an Aquarian, or to put it another way learn how to be a Humanitarian. We each need to access our soul’s inner intelligence by healing our soul’s complete journey. A shift in how you see this world, and how you create your future, is important to remember.

The soul is like God... invisible. Can I or anyone else prove to you that God exists? No. Can I prove to you that you have a soul? No. Can I explain that understanding the point of view of many different life experiences will make you a compassionate, non-judgmental loving, human being? Yes!

We can only genuinely relate to other’s pain by experiencing it ourselves, to really know what it is like to kill fellow human beings in a war, to lose a beloved child, to die from a broken heart, or to be murdered, imprisoned, poisoned or eaten by a wild animal. One life cannot give you this depth of life experience and understanding. Obviously. I have experienced so much more in all my past lives, that has not been discussed in this book. That is why I can help others. Whatever your problem, yep, I had that one too!

Look, I am fine. You are fine. Why am I fine? Because I know and accept that I am the creator of my life. I have taken full responsibility for all my creations. This is true awareness, allowing true acceptance and True Love for myself.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, let us not forget.


We need to elevate the human being, to realise that as co-creators of this world, we can be our full potential. To create for ourselves much more than this three dimensional slave mentality, which has been limiting our experience of this world. As Planet Earth’s co-creators we can heal this world, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are quite capable of a becoming magical universal human beings co-creating together a multidimensional world instead. We just need to get back in touch with our soul’s inner intelligence. To help dramatically change this world. This world will change, whether you participate or not. I have spent my whole life predicting future outcomes. I personally experience in the present, what will be experienced by humanity five years later. Or, put another way, you could conclude that I am currently living energetically in the year 2013 at the time of writing this book. I am feeling extremely happy. This is good news for humanity, the world is a very different place in a few short years time.

However, These changes suggest it is a good idea to practice using your imagination, to stay in communication with the soul of all living things. Seeing a sacred Native American Medicine Wheel in your imagination, or making a physical one in your home, will help you to access your own soul’s inner intelligence and universal wisdom that is connected to all souls, whether they’re a person, animal, tree, mountain, or even a storm cloud.

Even Planet Earth has a voice, if you are willing to listen. She wishes to speak to the humans at this time. She is asking for our help, our love and our creative energy. I have included a conversation I had in April 2008 with the soul of Planet Earth. She had a lot to say that day. She was in a bit of a bad mood! You may feel like reading this section first in chapter eleven. It allows you to participate and heal Her, simply by reading. It is an example of how to heal, in your imagination, in your Medicine Wheel using Power Animals.

We need to stay alert, and aware of what Planet Earth is planning to keep herself safe. We have all witnessed the massive loss of lives due to large earthquakes and devastating tsunamis, hurricanes and flooding over the last few years, particularly, South-East Asia, USA, China and Sri Lanka.

We need to realise that Planet Earth is in charge of the future. We are like passengers on a train (future path) with no brakes heading toward self-destruction. We need to find the emergency cord and pull it now. We all need to get off this train. The more people that get off, by abandoning support of this rat race reality, the better off this world will be.

It seemed that I had a soul contract to experience severe negativity for many years, in this life. This was part of my soul’s healing journey and I understand why now.

Samantha Britt Beaumont

Member, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Continue to Chapter Three

We are very grateful to Samantha for sharing her book with us. We will be publishing a chapter every week for you to read here or please contact us if you would like us to send the full book in pdf format.

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