The Time Is Now To Make A Difference

Nick Kitcchen • 26 January 2023

Everyone who joins in plays a part in something great for our planet and all souls upon it

Making a Difference by nick Kitchen, Community Assembly of Lincolnshire

A beautiful response to our latest newsletter announcing the formation of Assemblies of the World and the bringing together of like-minded souls in a parallel network founded on common principles and a shared vision for the future.

The Assemblies of the World is now represented by Emissaries for each country joining us based on a true synergy with the Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI) values. We have come together by dint of a shared and universal vision to create a beautiful life on our treasured Planet Earth for all people and all living things.

Nick Kitchen, a committed Founding Facilitator of the Community Assembly of Lincolnshire - who set up our Community Assembly Hub and Assembly Room groups on Telegram (see below) - saw this as an opportunity to ecourage others to get more involved. With 4 Worldwide Assemblies and up to 40 Community Assemblies across the British Isles enlisted (or making progress to soon be enlisted), this is a great time to spread the news and invite others to join us.

Nick's words and intentions clearly demonstrate what CABI is all about and why 'now' is the best time for all of us to find ways to provide our support and help each other to realise our shared vision for humanity.

Over to you, Nick:


"More countries are coming together to join us.

This coming together of the people in the countries that form the Assemblies of the World is showing the '
will of the people' which is a huge statement that sends the message very loudly and very clearly that 'we the people' have had enough and want no further part in the system that seeks to bind and enslave us.

Togetherness and joining with others here and across the whole world is the start of our parallel society that is looking for self-governance and the maintaining of our freedoms while following
Natural Law.

There is no greater time than now for us all to work hard to come together, whether in the British Isles or across other countries of the world.

People joining together to form an Assembly or Community Assembly is probably one of the greatest things we can do to help maintain our lives and freedoms right now. As with togetherness in numbers comes strength in numbers.

It would be great if everyone who finds this post would
join us to become a member of the Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI) or an International Friend and, as such, become part of our parallel network, the Assemblies of the World. This means we all become plugged into the knowledge, resources and experience being shared across our growing network.

Everyone who joins in makes a difference, with no financial commitment and no expectations except the amount of time and resources you are willing and able to contribute. The only commitment is the one you make to yourself and to know that you have played your part in something great for our Planet Earth and all the souls who live upon it.

When you read this and what you do after it is up to you of course. You may wish to know more or not know more. I would not expect that you would all wish to join this or any other group and so if you are happy doing what you are doing and knowing what you are knowing that is great.

It is always your choice to make. And your future to take.

Getting together and working together with others is what matters. Whether it's joining a group or forming your own, you can help change things for the better not only for yourself but for your loved ones and others around you.

A future of lesser freedoms for us is looming. The opportunity to raise ourselves to the challenge and alter this future is in our hands . We must not let it slip through our fingers. Not just for us but for our children and the next generation after us. The young people we cherish and want to see living healthy and happy lives stand to either lose or benefit from the actions we take or do not take 'right now.'

If you have found yourself sitting on the fence, waiting around for others to do the work or for someone else to lead the charge. this will not help to change things anytime soon. If we choose not to do the necessary work to start making changes now, we may run out of time and miss one of the greatest opportunities of all our lifetimes to change the future for us all, not only in this country but the whole of our world.

It is that serious for us folks. Change will not happen if we sit idle and do nothing.

If you like what has been said here and would like more information, please
get in touch.  If you would like to join our Telegram Groups you will be made very welcome. Find us by searching:

Community Assembly Hub - @tcabi 

Assembly Room - @tarcabi

We very much look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you for being here and for helping us to spread the word!"


Nick Kitchen

Founding Facilitator

Community Assembly of Lincolnshire 


Introduced by Sue Cartwright

Editor, Community Assembly of the British Isles

Further Reading

The Future Is Us! - Nick Kitchen

The Healing Power of Listening - Warren Cavanagh

The Power of 'NOW' - Eckhart Tolle

Lights, Camera, Action - Gayla Olson

The Problem With Leadership - Sue Cartwright

A Community Perspective - Sue Cartwright

Join us today!

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