I found these beautiful oracle cards in my favourite crystal shop Three Wishes and they have become my treasured go-to cards for guidance and spiritual enlightenment. So much so, I asked for a message for all of us (awakening souls) and was blessed with insights that shine a light on where we are now and how we might best proceed.
I noticed the date after the reading (an auspicious 22.11.22 for the numerologists amongst you), and it turns out that today is the eve of the New Beaver Moon moving into Sagittarius. This is a time for preparing for the Winter months and beginning a new chapter in life drawing on the open-minded and free-spirited energy of Sagittarius, and ruling planet, Jupiter, bringing growth and positivity.
The Crystal Mandala Oracle cards represent Anrchangels (444 suit), Ascended Masters (333 suit) and Crystal Goddesses (888 suit) who bring their divine power and wisdom to Earth by channeling messages. As Alana says:
to assist us in living into the fulness of our divine desiny, to shine our heart light in the world and live our truths with freedom and grace.
Only take what resonates with you from the beautiful descriptions provided below. This reading is for all of humanity so these insights can be used to show us where we are on our journey. It provides a means to understand what ourselves and others might be going through and how best to support each other.
43. Goddess Matangi and Heliotrope
'It is natural for creative energy to become excited by new possibilities, new ideas and new forms. It is also possible however to become engaged in liberating the undiscovered value within that which already exists, polishing it until it shines with divine light.
Sometimes there is a need to shed the past and all associated with it completely starting afresh. However, at other times, there is something of the past that can, if allowed to bask in the light of your creativity, become very valuable to your future. In your enthusiasm to move forward in life, don't forget to take the value that already exists in your world along with you.'
22. Ascended Master Hilarion and Green Chrysoprase
'There is an experession that all that glitters is not gold, and that appearance can deceive. This does not mean you must greet the world and all its appearance with suspicion and distrust. It does mean it is wise to trust what you feel and sense happening beneath the surface, even if that seems to directly oppose what is being said or what many others may believe.
The world is filled with opportunities for you to practice sensing truth behind the mask. You will do this most accurately when you allow your instincts and intuition to inform you without rationalising the information so it matches the superficial appearance of things.
If intuition or instinct is niggling you, then it is trying to communicate something. Listen. Take your time to feel for your authentic response. Discernment helps you cut through illusion, manipulation and deception and get to the heart of the matter at hand. It is the intelligent use of your intuition and instincts that will help you navigate through the multitude of choices available to you every day and choose what best serves your life journey.'
18. Angel Uzziel and Smoky Quartz
'As you grow spiritually, your energy field becomes more substantial. Your thoughts and actions carry more karmic weight in the world. As your power increases, your ability to do good increases too. Your positive words can have a potent effect on others. So too can the very human moments where you may be having an 'off day' and unintentionally respond to another in a way that is not unconditionally loving.
We do not want you to be afraid of becoming powerful. We know that most often you are going to make a positive contribution with your power. we also know that sometimes you will wish you could 'undo' a choice you have made, and its effect. To help you, we offer our karmic protection, where the destrctive impact of your actions is softened and the positive effect of your actions is enhanced.
As you grow in power and impact, our gift of heavenly mercy will surround you, aligining your actions with divine will and blessing you, and all affected by you, with divine compassion.'
28. Ascended Master Lao Tzu and Zincite.
'This is the powerful downward current of energy that allows for manifestation, for strengthening of the spiritual connection to the body, and of bringing your light to the Earth.
In the spiritual tradition, there is much emphasis on energy rising; yet without the blanance of descending power, you will feel lost in your mind, scattered in your thinking and frustrated in your efforts to see the inspired ideas you recveive translated into completed tasks in the physical world.
The uprising power helps you shift frequencies and access inspiration, whilst the descending power helps you ground to create. There is a time and place for both the rising and the descending currents of divine energy. You are guided to attend at this time to the descending power to make best progress on your life journey.
In conclusion
The Universe is asking us to appreciate and hold onto our core values of goodness, integrity and friendship, and to bring them with us on our spiritual journey. The angels, ascended masters and goddesses are encouraging us to be discerning in our judgments and decision-making. We are being encouraged to connect with our higher selves and the spiritual world, and to step back and listen to our intuition and gut instincts even if they seem to contradict the 'status-quo' and the people around us.
Above all, we are being asked to tune into the humility, love and compassion within our hearts, and bring together those around us. It's time to forgive ourselves and each other the mistakes we may have made so that we can learn from them. Only then can we can move forward together in friendship, unity and truth - growing stronger and wiser every day.
Through all this, we are being given confirmation that when we connect to our higher consciousness and divine light, we raise our frequencies and become part of the powerful and limitless energy of the cosmos. With hearts full of love, when we channel our good intentions into enjoyable, cooperative, creative action, amazing things start to happen.
We are all loved and never on our own, even less so as we continue to join together - it's our time to shine!
Sue Cartwright
First published on the
Spiral Leaf blog
on 22.11.22.