How to deal with unlawful arrest and spurious police behaviour
Learning opportunity
This is an account of an incident which took place in Camborne, Cornwall. This account reflects only the perceptions of myself, the attending Community Peace Constable (John Gilbert) and is meant to open discussions with other Community Peace Keepers and Community Peace Constables, and to highlight the importance of working as a team.
Every incident is a learning opportunity to perfect and enhance our performance and our ability to protect and serve the people. We must remember that during this transition period we need to instil a sense of confidence in the people so that they can develop their abilities without the hindrance of fear.
Breach of the peace
At 11:09 hours on the day in question, I received a call from a Community Assembly (CA) member to say that in watching a 'pop-up' injection facility at Tesco car park near the top end of Camborne main street, it had been observed that the staff of the injection facility had not been handing out information that would have given the participants in the experimental medical treatment, informed consent.
This would constitute a breach of the peace and was in violation of both the Nuremburg Code and the binding precedence of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board 2015.
Rapid response
I attended the scene at 11:32 hrs and there was no evidence of information being handed out but there were leaflets on the table. The staff of the 'pop-up' injection facility refused to allow me to examine a leaflet so I couldn’t determine whether they would be lawful if they did hand them out. I then observed three people being injected without any evidence of informed consent at all.
There were two marshals 'guarding' the temporary facility and both were very aggressive and didn’t want to allow any inspection of what they were doing. Bear in mind that this is a public place and they can’t claim that it is off limits.
Serious offence
I then informed all the staff that were in earshot that they would be in breach of the peace if they didn’t hand out information regarding the experimental medical procedure and that it was a very serious offence. I was then allowed to read the information which they had at the site which in my opinion could not constitute informed consent. The staff then started handing out these leaflets to the volunteers partaking in the experimental procedure.
One of the marshals engineered an incident by pushing the Community Assembly member but fortunately it was captured on CCTV as the marshal claimed that she had been pushed by the CA member.
Police arrest
Three police officers then arrived at the scene (with two other police acting as backup) and they started questioning the two marshals. They then went over to the CA member who was promptly arrested. I tried to intervene and asked why the arrest was being made and was told that it was common assault. I then asked why I had not been interviewed as I was a witness and they claimed that I would be interviewed at a later date if they felt it necessary. I told them that I was a witness and the female marshal had assaulted the CA member but they refused point blank to listen to my statement. I said that they had performed the arrest without a full appraisal of the situation and they stated that they had the right to do that.
I talked to one remaining police officer and informed him that informed consent must be carried out for every medical procedure and that I had observed that this was not being done when I first arrived. I also advised him that to not grant informed consent was a very serious breach of the peace. He asked me if there was any message which I would like conveyed to the staff of the injection centre and I asked him to reinforce what I had already told them about informed consent. The police officer asked me what the legal basis was for my claim and I informed him that it was Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board 2015 and also informed him of the Nuremburg Code.
Access refused unlawfully
I then went to Camborne Police Station to make a statement and was refused access to the custody sergeant and told that I would be contacted in due course for my statement.
I contacted our legal team and was advised to make a full statement and take it in to the police station and insist that it was given to the custody sergeant. I duly requested that the document was signed for and dated. No one would take the statement and no one would sign for it.
No charges on release
I returned three times to the police station and each time I had been denied access, however, on the third occasion I had managed to talk to a senior officer and warned him that he was committing an offence by refusing to take a statement from an eye witness and that I would be lodging a formal complaint. The CA member was then released within 10 minutes of my final visit and I turned the car around and gave her a lift back to her car. The police did not press charges and CCTV footage confirmed our statements.
Safety in numbers
This is a totally disgusting display by both the police and the injection team and we really do need to consider why we are paying for such services. There are lessons to be learned here in that we are still short of Community Peace Constables and Community Peace Keepers as every incident should be attended by three Community Peace Keepers which constitutes one person plus two witnesses.
Join the Peace Keepers
If you are interested in becoming a Community Peace Keeper or Community Peace Constable, the initial online training course for both positions can be found on the Peace Keepers website.
This course is free of charge as Peace Keepers was created to assist and give something back to our communities.
We are looking for people from all backgrounds who have the desire to uphold the rule of Natural Law so that together we can hold the current system to account.
The programme is for anyone who has:
We hope you will consider joining us and look forward to hearing from you.
John Gilbert MD (AV), MCHI, SAC Dip, FGAV, MBCS, MIET, C.Eng., LCGI
Community Peace Constable
Community Assembly of the British Isles
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We are a Private Members' Association of enlisted Members, Community Assembly Facilitators and Special Advisors who form local assemblies across the British Isles under Natural Law, working together with Emissaries, Facilitators and Members of our worldwide parallel network, Assemblies of the World.